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[Logan's pov]

Sadly, school has ended. I must part ways with Virgil and meet up with him. Mr. Sanders must be insane if he thought that making Roman and I partners would actually work. Speak of the metaphorical devil, he was running towards me.

"There you are, let's go" Roman said when reached me. He grabbed my hand and started to pull me out of the school. I immediately pull my hand back and recoiled away from him.

"Where are we going?" I asked with an emphasis on we. Is this guy an idiot-nevermind, I already know the answer is yes.

"Well, I don't think you know where I live, now do you?" He questioned. I shook my head no. He was right. I don't know here he lives, and I hoped to never have to know.

"So I'm giving you a ride there. Now let's go" He continue, now gesturing to door. With a sigh, I reluctantly followed him to the parking lot to...his motorcycle?

"You have a motorcycle?" I questioned. It was rather odd to see anyone at our school with a motor vehicle.

"Yes, I am seventeen and I have taken all necessary test" Roman answered. I was moderately happy with that response, so I got on the back of his motorcycle.

"Why do you have two helmets?" I asked when he handed me a helmet. I was grateful for the helmet, but it was unusual for someone to have two helmets when there is only one passenger.
Roman rolled his eyes, most likely annoyed with my constant but justified questions. He put his helmet on before answering.

"I usually give Patton rides, but he was walking to Virgil's house today" He told me. Understandable. I was glad for my anxious companion as he got to be with his crush of several years. Though, I was a little envious as I had to work with the most insufferable kid in our grade.

"Hold on tight, hope you aren't scared of a little speed" Roman warned me with a smirk. So, so annoying. I just might push him off this motorcycle.

"Speak for yourself" I muttered angrily. This only caused Roman to smirk more. He started his motorcycle and sped off at very high speeds. I yelped and held tightly on to Roman. I quite disliked this position, but I'd rather be in it than die.

If I somehow survive my time spent with Roman, I hope someone kills me.

Ha, double update. Of course, Roman has a motorcycle and this scene happened. I told you it would be cliche as all hell. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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