I Got You (Oneshot Piggeh x Reader)

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In the dim lighting of the hallway, your group halted. The hall split into two paths.

"Which way, bros!?" Pewdie asked desperately. "That monster is coming up quick!"

"We need to split up," Stephano answered. "It can only follow one group, so whatever group it doesn't follow needs to try to advance in the house."

There was groaning in the distance. Loud, thudding footsteps were coming closer.

"What about the group it does follow?" Piggeh whispered.

Stephano frowned. "You do your best to stay alive and protect one another. Except in your case, you do your best to protect _____."

Stephano and Pewdie ran down the left hallway, leaving you and Piggeh in their wake. You grabbed Piggeh's arm and pulled him down the other hallway. The hall went down a flight of stone stairs and lead into a cellar with a large caged area.

"Do you think we're safe?" you asked.

The pink-haired man shrugged, putting his arms around your waist. "I don't know, but we are alone here..."

"Piggeh, this isn't the time...."

"Fine, fine," he said, begrudgingly letting you go. "But I'll get you soon."

Groaning and grunting from the hall stopped you in your tracks.

"Shit, that monster followed us," you whispered. "What should we do?"

"In here," he said, opening the cage door and ushering you in. Following you inside, he shut the door and hid with you behind a large bunch of barrels.

You scooted over to make room for Piggeh. As you did so, your arm hit something soft. You turned your head and saw another person sitting there. You jumped back, landing on Piggeh, and stifled a scream. The boy just sat there grinning at you both. He had chestnut hair and deep brown eyes that glinted with mischief. His vest was brown that matched his pants, with a white button up and a barrel necklace.

He laughed. "Surprised to see me?"

Piggeh growled. "Get out of here, Barrel."

"Be nice, Pig. I could easily do this," Barrel grinned, throwing a rock and shattering a lamp. The Bro came running into the room, looking around.

"Dammit," Piggeh muttered, standing up. "What the hell is your problem?"

"Awww, did I scare you and your girlfriend?" Barrel taunted.

Blush dusted yours and Piggeh's cheeks. He threw a punch at his opponent, but Barrel dodged it and swiped his leg under Piggeh's, knocking him to the floor. The brown-haired boy pinned him, looking down on him mockingly. A punched hard into Piggeh's left cheek multiple times, leaving a dark bruise and some blood.

"I figured you'd like this position, Pig," Barrel said condescendingly, making Piggeh flush.

"Stop calling him that!" you yelled, gaining the attention of the two boys and, unfortunately, the monster. It came to the cage and began clawing between the bars.

"Hmpf, well, since you got the creature over here for me," Barrel said, getting off of Piggeh and pulling him up. "I may as well use him. Who's it gonna be?"

You and Piggeh looked at each other in confusion.

"What're you talking about?" you asked slowly.

"One of you is going to be clawed to near death by that monster. Now, who will it be?"

"Me," Piggeh volunteered as if it were obvious.

"Even after you suffered a beating from me?" Barrel smiled with malice. "You must really like your girlfriend."

I Got You (Oneshot Piggeh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now