Chapter 2

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I blink and stare disgustedly at the person in front of me. She has frizzy waist-length black and red straight hair, dark circles under her blue-grey eyes, she needs to lose weight, her makeup is smeared... She is about 5'6. I turn away from the mirror sadly. Why do I have to hate myself...? The only thing I like is my snake bites, which aren't even part of me... I run a brush through my hair and wash my face before applying new makeup. I paste on a smile and look over my outfit: black skinny jeans, a black shirt with a red broken heart on it, red converse, and a red beanie. I grab a jacket and head downstairs and out the door.


I don't have any friends at school. One, because of my personality and looks, I guess I kind of scare people off. Two, because I am afraid to get close to anyone. Therefore... I don't. I walk into the school with my eyes on the ground. I am heading towards my locker when I smack into someone and fall to the ground. I keep my eyes facing the ground as I wait for insults to come pouring out of the person's mouth.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" a guy's voice asks.

I look slowly up, shocked that he was actually concerned. His eyes showed worry.

"I-I'm alright..." I mumble.

He holds out his hand to help me up and flashes a smile.

"I'm Drew. I'm new here. What's your name?" he asks.

"I'm Arielle. If you don't want your social life ruined, you probably don't want to be seen with me..." I inform him.

He throws his arm around me and grins down at me. I blink in surprise.

"Nah, I think I like you. I think we are going to be great friends," he says with a genuine smile.

"Uh... okay..." I mumble, blushing.

He winks at me and waves as he walks toward his first class. I grin and feel butterflies in my stomach. This is gonna be an interesting week...

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