Apologies and Accidents

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Natsu P.O.V

          "Oh come on Luce, I said I was sorry" I struggled to keep up with her walking pace.

          "What did you call me?" She stopped walking.

          "Luce. Yah like it? Its the nickname I made for you." I gave her one of my signature grins.

          "Fine, just because you called me that. Come on, we still have ten minutes of lunch." She began walking again but this time a pace I could keep up with.

          "Lu-chan! You're back! Did he get you in trouble?" She glared at me.

         "No no, Mr.Makarov just wanted to ask me about what happened." She assured the tiny angry girl.

          "So about that revenge plan?" I asked. They both smiled at eachother.

          "So here's the plan..." Lucy began.


         "Thats great! But do I have to be the one to do it?" I asked nervously.

          "Uh, yes. You asked to be apart of the revenge so, yes. But have no fear, Levy and I will be there" Lucy smiled.

           "Grreeaatt." I expected that answer but it didn't hurt to ask. This is going to be perfect, Lisanna better watch out.

Lucy P.O.V

          Lisanna will never see it coming. She will regret messing with me. Mwahahahaha. Man, I shouldn't drink coffee anymore.

          But really, I'm so ready for this. She is going to feel the sadness I felt.

          I'm not a typically mean person, but this feels good. Who knew revenge could feel so sweet?

~ Later After School~ (A/N. Lucy, Natsu, and Levy stayed after school to talk)

          "Alright, bye Levy. I'll see you later, call me 'kay?" She nodded as I started my trek across the street.

          I was thinking about how our revenge plan would work and everything that's going on right now. But I was taken out of thoughts by a loud horn coming for down the street.

          Could I run? Nope, too late. The car is too close. "Lucy!!" I heard a yell. Everything was going slow motion now. My head turned to where the voice was coming from and it was Natsu.

          He began sprinting towards me, but slow motion so this was all really weird. Like a movie almost. Just this time, it was real. I turned my head back to the car in motion. Is this really the end?

          My body was sent flying to the side. I expected to be in a lot of pain, but it was only my arm. I felt something around my body. I scaredly peeked open on eye to see what happened.

          Natsu's body was wrapped around mine as we lay on the pavement of the street. His eyes were tightly shut. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" The person who was driving the car quickly said as she ran over to us.

          "Are you okay?! Do you need a hospital?!" She questioned nervously, still talking really fast. Natsu began opening his eyes.

          "Lucy, are you alright?!" Natsu panicked.

          "Yeah I'm fine." I replied. Then I noticed Natsu will still holding me. My face began to heat up as if a sun light was directly on my face. "Uh, Natsu" I blushed.

          He realised the same I did. "Oh, sorry Luce" He let go of me and awkwardly smiled. The lady still stood in front of us, her hands shaking over her mouth.

          "I'm- I'm so sorry. I tried to slow down, but my car wouldn't. Pl-Please forgive me. I am in dept to you." She started bowing and crying.

          "Its okay, it was an accident. Don't worry about it. I'm alive and so is Natsu. So don't worry." I assured her. Natsu gave me a crazy look.

          "You are too kind, too kind." She praised me. I smiled back and she cried her way back to her car.

          "Are you crazy?" Natsu asked.

          "What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

          "You just forgave her like that when she almost ran you over?" He gave me a look of concern and confusion.

          "Its alright, you saved me" I grinned and patted his hard chest. He shook his head.

          "Alright, come on. I'm takin' you home." He grabbed my wrist and began dragging me to his car.

          We got in to his red camaro and he started the car. "Why were you walking anyway?" He asked as he pulled out of the school parking lot.

          "Well, I car pulled with Levy this morning and she wasn't going home. She had to stay and tutor your friend Gajeel." I explained.

          "You could have asked me for a ride." He said in a 'duh' tone. I giggled and said yeah.

          In less than five minutes, we reached my home. "Thanks Natsu, for everything. Especially saving my life." I began to get out of the car, but then thought of something.

          "Oh wait..." I said, I leaned back into his car and kissed him on the cheek. "Bye!" I hurriedly ran into my house. I clutched my bag to my chest. Did I really just do that?


Heyy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the wait, I didn't know what to do.

But I got some help from @lostintheclouds321. So thanks BIFF! (Best internet Friends Forever)

You guys make me so happy when you blow up my notifications with votes and comments. It makes my day. ^.^

So keep commenting and voting and I will be a very happy person.

And oh yeah, this is now my most popular story. YAY!! 3.8k reads. Woah that's crazy. And its all because of you guys. I really do truly love you.

Vote, Comment, Follow me. If you want.
I Loovvee You! Byyee!


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