April 20th 2018
I WASN'T READY TO LET YOU GO.Not a minute later. When you went out the door into Oblivion. Not months later, when I wallowed in your love. Not a couple of days ago, at the brink of a new year.
I'd like to think that it's just a day on which our planet completes a revolution. But we all know it holds a strong sense of beginning and like a Polaroid exposed to sunlight for months,
Memories begin to fade.That's why I am scared. That's why I am incapable of letting you go.
Because if I decided to,
it'd be like losing you all over again.And I'm afraid that without your remembrance, I'd fall to the ground like quicksand
and the sea would wash me away.It's strange how through suffering, I feel close to you, and so, it's only through suffering, I live too.
...................................................................................Docket to a better person
✓. No Fucking language of your own.
No cray, no penguin, no anything.
Learn to address him by his name.
Difficult as it is,but F****** hell.
Do it😬
AdventureMagic for me is a symbolic concept, invented for fiction writers and magicians to make a living. I began following the words of poets who told me, very convincingly,that love was the only form of magic in the world. And I believed them. But, I was t...