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Laikyn Golk.

Laikyn Golk is a charming, senstitive, young man. He lives in Alabama. He has never believed in talking goats... until two weeks ago. But now, more about Laikyn. Laikyn Pubert Golk was concieved at the age of seven. In the Pubert.E brothel. His mother were a waswolf and his father was a kangaroo diguised as Abraham Lincoln. He now lives happliy with his auntie Caroline Boat-Deck Smith.

Billy T Billy Goat

Billy was born in Alabama in Farmer Jones' paddock. His mum was a billy goat and his father was a billy goat. He lived most of his life eating grass and occasionally enjoying a beverage from the near by stream. One day Farmer Jones married Chackee Key-Small and she demanded that all the billy goats horns must be made into little nubs. She likes little nubs. When they tried to cut off Billy's horns he escaped, at the cost of one horn. He went to live in the mountins because thats where billygoats live. He made a cosy little cave by digging with his horn and lived peacefully in that cave. He never believed in talking boys.... until two weeks ago when he ran out of milk.

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