▪ Prologue [Say goodbye to your old life] ▪

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🌸Hello! Welcome to my brand new Regal Academy story-Snow White's Reform School for Wayward Princesses! This is an AU that I created based on St.Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses in SVTFOE. I'm so happy to start this book since I had this idea for a while now. This chapter was quite the pain to write considering it is over 2200+ words long. Enjoy!🌸

🗝Narrator's POV🗝

Ling Ling is in her room on her big and comfterable princess bed. She layed with her face in her pillow, weting it with the stream of tears that came pouring out her eyes.

She couldn't believe it, her whole life was changing right before her eyes and she couldn't do anything about it. Her parents had betrayed her and now they are ruining her life once again.

Her sobs echoed in her big room that she would eventually have to say 'goodbye' to. She loved this room too much to leave it that's for sure.

Her mother, Ting Ting, knocked on her door, not exactly sure why. She knew Ling Ling wouldn't answer, so she let herself in. She walked to her daughter's bed and sat next to her, rubbing her back trying to comfort her in some way.

"Go away mum!", Ling Ling yelled through her sobs. She had absolutely no interest in even looking in her mother's direction.

"LingLing, darling. You know I don't want to do this but," Ting Ting sighted looking out the fancy window, "you need to understand that as a princess and as a part of the IronFan dinesty you must be elegant and represent perfection. It's our family tradition."

"I don't care about family traditions! You're gonna marry me off to some stranger anyway so what's the point?", Ling Ling said, she wasn't sobbing anymore, however tears still streamed down her face. She turned her head away from her mother, looking into the direction of the window.

Ting Ting sighted sadly. She may never have the dignity to say it, but she felt sorry for her daughter as a normal mother would in this situation. She felt the pain of being forced to marry some stranger that just so happened to be rich.

The same happened to her and while she may be satisfied with her husband, those cases are rare and taking that risk of happiness would be too much to handle. She truly wants the best for Ling Ling, her only problem was her daughter's stubborn attitude.

"Ling Ling darling, you know very well I would never want that for you. Your father and I may have turned out alright, but we both know very well that case may not be the same for you. I beg of you to at least try to make it through that rached school. This could be the only way you could get to choose your prince", Ting Ting spoke softly.

Ling Ling stayed silent, she was tired of her mother's sweet act when she knew the only reason she was being sent to this school was so their reputation wouldn't be ruined.

"I must leave, and as I do I expect you shall start packing. You leave tomorrow after morning meal. I expect you to be on your very best behaviur", Ting Ting got up and left the room, closing the door behind her without a single word spoken.

Ling Ling turned around, now laying on her back as she stared up at the seeling. Oh, how stresfull the life of a princess was. She would always remember the looks young girls would give her as she and her family travelled through town in their carige. Their eyes would shine and even though they wore torn and dirty clothes most of the time, they were at least free. Free from responsibility, for at least a while.

She would trade anything just to spend one day like that. Free from all of her worries and responsibilities. That was her real dream she would have every night.

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