Chapter 1 : First Encounterma

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"Living is going to be more painful than death. But do you still want to live?"
-The Notes (HYYH Jungkook)


The red operation lamp had finally turned off. Doctor Kim went out from the operation room. He walked slowly with slumped shoulders and exhausted hazel eyes. All the patient's family that probably been waiting outside for hours immediately rushed to the brown haired doctor.

"My husband... Is he alright?!" A blonde woman who look like in her early twenties asked.

She's constantly wiping her red nose with her soaked handkerchief, waiting the doctor to spill the news about his husband operation to her and the others family member.

Doctor Kim opened his mouth only to close it again. He sighed.

"Mrs. Song, we tried our best. But I'm afraid we have a bad news for you-"

"No! My husband... my husband," she screamed and cried harder while covering her face.

Mr. Song's younger brother tries to calm her down by snaking his hand to her back. The man said that everything is alright and that she needs to let go.

Doctor Kim Taehyung went closer to the scream-crying woman. He puts both of his hands on her shoulders. She went quiet and stunned by his breath-taking face.

"I'm really sorry, ma'am. Mr. Song's operation which only have 5% chances of survive especially with his age," his sad face turned into his signature smirk, "is a major succeed. Thanks to my holy miraculous hand," he retorted then lean closer to her and whispered with his deep husky voice,

"I know that you've been waiting for that old CEO to die, honey. But I'm not going to break my marvelous record yet."

He leaned away and winked to her.

He laughed out loud only to get hit on the head from his doctor assistant, Doctor Park.

"Omma!" Doctor Kim hissed while holding the attacked area of his head.

Jimin's annoyed expression went to a polite forced smile when he face shocked Mrs. Song.

"Your husband is alright, Mrs. Song. Doctor Kim done an impressive job. We're going to move him to ICU."


The sixteen hours long operation was a huge success. Despite the good news, Mrs. Song's expression went depressed than before. But Jimin chose to remain quiet and walked away to the staff room, followed by a pouty Taehyung.

Jimin barely became a doctor for a year but he already deals with his best friend's numerous act to bully his patient or patient's family if he dislike them. The blonde doctor always knew that his best friend has a talent in the surgery and also has an astonishing record for it. Jimin admires his best friend's passions in his works, even though Taehyung could be childish sometimes (or most of the time).

"How dare you hit my glorious head!" The taller barked while following Jimin to the staff room.

"What part of 'Stop bullying our patient' that you don't understand, Tae?" He glance at the latter as he walked straight.

"I've said that like thousands time already. Seriously, you could get in a huge trouble with that VIP patient. You don't want to mess with rich people like them." Jimin added.

"I don't like her. Not even a tiny bit. That blondy witch is cheating on her sweet husband. I bet you knew it too. I've seen her cheating with that dude who call himself the CEO's brother." He argued while keep walking behind the shorter.

Jimin couldn't careless and roll his eyes.

The blonde's hand went to his doctor gown pocket and drew out his phone. It's already late and he need to order Uber to get home.

"But still-"

Jimin bumped into someone and luckily Taehyung catch him, saving his precious bum away from falling on the cold floor.

But his phone wasn't as lucky as like him. It flew away from Jimin's small hands to the floor and unfortunately a patients in a wheelchair run over the poor phone.

You could hear the sound of it crushed.

Jimin gasped and immediately picked it from the cold floor.

"Oh no..." His eyes went wide when he saw the huge crack on the phone screen.

He's exhausted after the operation and now his precious phone broken.

Jimin was totally pissed.

He could explode.

He brushed back his blonde lock with his hand and ready to kick some ass. He glanced up to the person who bumped into him. Until he saw a bunny faced boy staring back at him.


A/N : Hi! I'm Moe and Ily :3
Don't forget to vote~

A/N : Hi! I'm Moe and Ily :3Don't forget to vote~

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