Chapter 9

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For the next fifteen minutes, Layla showed Taylor around the store and helped her pick out a new pencil dress. It worked out perfectly that Layla got out of work, so the two walked around the city and explored together, stopping for snacks and for Taylor to take some creative pictures with her high quality camera.

Layla forced Taylor to take selfies with her, and they ended up laughing hysterically at times. The day went by quickly and before she knew it, it was 5 o'clock. Taylor let out a sigh when she saw the time on her phone.
"I should probably head home now. I need to put up all of this new stuff in my apartment," she explained.

Layla pouted and sat down on a near by bench. Taylor followed suit and leaned back, grateful for a chance to rest her aching feet.
"Aw come on!" Layla complained. "The city is amazing at dark you haaaaave to stay!" Taylor let out a laugh and only shrugged in reply. She didn't really feel completely comfortable with Layla yet, and especially didn't want to be with her at night based on what she saw at the party.

Layla continued to stare at Taylor with pleading eyes. She finally let out a sigh and said,
"Fine but only for another hour or two." Layla shot up off of the bench and practically screamed. Taylor jumped and then laughed while standing up.
"There are so many things I'm going to show you OMG I can't wait," Layla babbled, her eyes lit up and her painted nails flying through the air.

For the next hour, the sun gradually set over the horizon and the two girls explored the city some more. Layla showed Taylor some more of her favorite shops and showed her places to avoid as well. She learned were every single smoke shop was and every alley where drugs were sold. The thought made Taylor's mind wander back to Karin and that group of people. She couldn't believe that people were that stupid to damage their brains and bodies like that.

Layla insisted on buying Taylor dinner at her favorite Italian place, so the girls walked to the brick building and were led to a table for two. The inside of the place was gorgeous, everything made of dark wood and brick. As soon as they were seated in a small booth in the back of the small restaurant, Layla began talking again.

"You've heard of Mardi Gras right?" She asked, setting her bony elbows up on the table.
"Duh, that's basically why I moved here," Taylor laughed, opening up her menu.
"Wow I'm stupid," Layla responded with a cackle. "Anyway, every year my parents throw this huge masquerade ball type thing the night before actual Mardi Gras. They're like filthy rich because my step dad owns a business or something," she said, like it was no big deal.

"So this year Fat Tuesday is March 9th, so the party is the 8th at, like, 6 to midnight. Do you want to come?" Layla's eyes lit up as she spoke of this party, so Taylor was intrigued. She had always dreamed of this kind of old fashioned party so this was actually perfect.
"I would love to come!" Taylor exclaimed excitedly. "You'll have have to give me the address sometime before then. Oh and I have a question. What is Fat Tuesday?"

Layla threw her head back with a laugh, the one that still irritated Taylor a bit but she had gotten used to it by now.
"That's the actual day of Mardi Gras! Wow you have a lot to learn honey."


By the time Taylor and Layla finished eating their dinner, the sky outside was dark and the temperature had dropped about 20 degrees. Both of the girls pulled on sweatshirts and looped the strings of their bags over their now bulky arms. It was 7:50, so Taylor made a mental note that she would go home at 8. She liked hanging out in the city with her new friend, but she also needed to unpack all of her new stuff.

Layla was right; the city was actually very beautiful at night. Lights were strung along all of the walkways to shine light on the paths. Almost every building had colorful lights hanging from their arches along with streamers and beads. Most of the trees also had lights hidden in them, making the drooping branches glow.

The festivities of Mardi Gras always began about a week early, so it didn't surprise Taylor that people were already running down the streets with beads clacking against their chests, masks covering their faces, and beer bottles in their hands. The actual parades wouldn't start for another few days, but that didn't stop shop keepers from selling festive goodies now.

"Okay Taylor, I have one more place to take you. I saved the best for last trust me," Layla said with a mischievous grin. She led Taylor along the lit sidewalk until they reached the very center of the city. Layla checked the time on her phone before swearing under her breath.
"Come on we have to hurry if we want to get there before it closes."

Layla practically dragged Taylor along the sidewalk until they finally stopped in front of an alley way.
"Come on," Layla giggled, walking down the alley which led to an open square between buildings. On the opposite side there was a lone door that was made of a dark red wood. Above the door was a sign that read
"Voodoo Master".

"Voodoo?" Taylor asked, growing a little nervous. She had heard about all this stuff and even though she knew none of it was real, it still creeped her out.
"Hell yeah!" Layla replied, practically skipping up to the door. "He is literally amazing. He's the master at voodoo. Shit," she yelled. "It's closed!" Taylor was slightly relieved and turned to walk away, but Layla began banging on the door.

"Jesus Layla!" Taylor whisper-yelled, turning back to look at her in the dim light. "Are you crazy?"
"Yep," she responded with a grin, continuing to bang on the door. Taylor let out a frustrated groan and placed her hands on her hips. Just then, the door slowly swung open. The inside was pitch black, except for a person standing in the doorway.

"You've got to be kidding me," Taylor moaned.
"Why hello there Taylor Mire," Liam sneered from the door frame. He shot Layla a glare before leaning against the wooden frame. "What can I do for you ladies?" He asked smoothly, tugging down the bottom of his suit jacket.

"Stay open a little longer for us? Please? I want Taylor to see your work," Layla answered right away, before Taylor could protest.
"That depends," Liam said with a cock of his head. "Is Taylor actually going to come inside and give me a chance, or is she going to run away."

Layla turned to face Taylor and looked at her with pleading eyes.
"Hell no! I am not going into a voodoo shop of the guy who basically broke into my apartment last night," Taylor shot, taking a step closer to her friend and Liam. He looked down at the ground with a smirk and then glanced back up at Taylor, biting his lip. Crap. Taylor already felt herself slipping.

"Wait what," Layla laughed, looking from one of them to the other with wide eyes. Taylor ignored her and continued to glare at Liam.
"Okay listen. I'm not going to apologize or anything for that. That's just not me. But I will ask you to give me one more chance. Let me show you what I can do," Liam said almost seductively, standing to the side of the door and motioning her through.

Taylor would normally have never trusted him but she felt something inside of her pulling her towards that door. She tried to fight that feeling, but before she even knew what she was doing, she lifted her chin high and walked right up to Liam.
"Now that's what I'm talking about," Layla said, clearly pleased as she walked into the building.

Liam smirked at Taylor and eyed her up and down, sending a chill down her spine. She walked past him in the door frame and joined Layla's side in the dark. Seconds later, Liam slowly closed the door behind them, and the room was pitch black.

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