Chapter 12

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Naya's POV

The car ride home was silent, it was filled with hatred, and anger. I can't believe Miles did that to me. Demi flipped shit, and I think she still has some more energy to let out more.

"Demi I said I was-"

"JUST SHUT IT MILES!!" Demi warned griping the steering wheel tightly. I placed my good hand on her thigh, and gave her a weak smile. Causing her to calm down enough to not flip out again. I rubbed small circles with my thumb,and she relaxed even more, but this time with a small smile playing on her face.

Flash Back
"You okay?" Demi asked, crouching down beside me, looking around cautiously.
"Y-yea." I nodded, not being able to breath. I've been hit in my stomach with a paintball, even worse someone elbowed me knocking the wind out of me.
"Can you... Move?" Demi asked, shooting some people around us. I nodded again, and began to get up. "Miles is over there, let's double team. Take one side, and I'll take the other." She instructed, patting my shoulder since she couldn't kiss me with the headgear on. I took my place, and she nodded taking charge. When I ran up behind him, Miles turned around and elbowed me in the shoulder, then pushed me to the ground.
"WHAT THE FUCK, MILES!?!" Demi yelled, then stood still to get shot. She pulled off her helmet, and kneeled beside me. "Naya, baby are you okay?" I nodded, just laying still.
"Oh, c'mon D-bags she's fine." Miles smiles, looking down at us.
"Miles, are you fucking stupid!? We agreed no physical contact!" Demi pushed him. "Your a fucking idiot, you could've really hurt her!!!" She pushes him again, shoving him to the ground. She picked me up bridal style, and sat me down on the bench.
"I-I'm fine, Dems." I say holding my shoulder. She slowly takes off the jacket they gave us, and takes a look at my shoulder. "Ow!" I hiss, as her finger tips touch my shoulder.
"Shit.... It's um, not that bad. It's just gonna bruise really bad." She explains, taking off her jacket. Leaving her in a tight black tank top, and some worker baggy pants. Her hair in a messy bun, and she has small welts on her arms. With scattered colors from all the paintballs. Even in this moment, when I'm in pain I still think she looks sexier than ever. I lick my lips, bringing my bottom lip in my mouth. Demi looks at my lips, and smirks then leans in and pecks my lips quickly. Before standing up and helping me to the car.
End Flash Back

"It's not his fault, Dems." I explain sitting on the kitchen counter. She scoffs, and rolls her eyes, grabbing an ice pack from the freezer.

"Well, he should've never done it." Demi says, angrily break up the ice in the packet.

"Demi, Dems." I place my hand on hers causing her to stop. "Don't take it out on the ice pack, now!" I chuckle, she giggles too and places the ice on my shoulder. We stare into each others eyes, and I grab her chin bringing her lips up to mine. I turn my head a little more, and we move our lips in sync.

"Ahem..." Demi pulls away, and her grip tightens on my hips. "Can I talk to Naya." Miles asks.

"I don't really-"

"Yes." I cut Demi off, and she turns giving me the 'Are you crazy?!' look. "Help me down?" She helps me off the counter slowly placing me on the floor. "I'll be okay." I assure her kissing her forehead. "C'mon, Miles." I lead him out to the backyard, sitting on the benches.

"Naya, I'm really sorry, I..."

Demi's POV

I can't believe, Miles did that. Why the hell did he feel the need to elbow Naya in the shoulder. What the hell?!?! Right now I really don't trust him, so I'm standing as close to the door as possible.

"Naya, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Miles we both know that whole situation wasn't an accident." Naya explains.

"H-how did you-"

"I did the same thing.." What the hell does she mean she did the same thing??

"My older brother was getting married too. I didn't like the idea of him leaving, I mean he was my best friend. I couldn't stand the idea of that bitch taking him from me. Before he qent on his honey moon. He told me "I promise I'll visit you." Ever since that day, I haven't seen him. I was nine when that happened." I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"I just don't want to lose her." Miles said.

"I know, and I promise you. You can visit when ever you want. I don't want what happened to my brother and I. To happen to you and Demi, okay?" Miles didn't say anything, and I assumed he nodded his head. "Wanna know something funny?" Naya asks. "Your sister is horrible at eavesdropping." She giggles, and I blush and walk from behind the door.

"How did you know?"

"You breath like a dog that's trying to cool down." Miles laughs and I join in.

"Miles, I would never leave you. Your my big brother, I'll always love you. Beside who else am I going to come to for advice, about what I should get Naya?" He chuckles and I pull him in for a hug. "We both know Johnny isn't the brightest crayon in the box."  We both laugh again.

"Hey, no one told me we were having a group hug!" Johnny ran over and jump into the hug, literally.

"Your apart of the family too now, ya' know!" Miles turns, and brings Naya into the hug.

"Careful, guys. She's not as rough as we are." I laugh.

"Hey, I box remember!" Naya smacks my arm playfully. "I had an amazing time with you guys, but I'm going to rest." Naya said pulling away.

"Sorry again, Naya." She nods and leaves.

"I'm going too guys, bye. Don't break anything!" I warn and head upstairs.

Hey, hey, hey!!! My beauties are looking goooooood today!! Not gonna lie I'm just a tad bit hyper. Sooo, I really hope you like this chapter. Also check out my other story  In-between, just click my works. If you want me to continue it, comment and I'll update the other chapter. Okay, I LOVE YOU!!!!


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