Chapter 1: New Job

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Kaaylani POV

"Alright Ms Solano, seems like all the paperwork is in order. Welcome to the team. Glad to have you here at Briarcliff," My new boss, Jackson, said while shuffling the papers on his desk.

"Glad to be here," I replied back smiling. I had recently gotten my degree in Psychology at Yale. I then moved here to Massachusetts, where I acquired a job at the infamous Briarcliff Mental Institution. I know, who in their right mind would WANT to work at an insane asylum? Oddly enough, me. I've always been interested in things other people considered weird. Growing up, I loved horror movies and things dealing with craziness. Hell my favorite show is Supernatural. I also have an unhealthy interest in serial killers ever since I did a paper on Charles Manson and Jack the Ripper for Criminology class in college.

"Well, You can walk around to get used to the place. Your first official day will be tomorrow. Here's your ID badge. Please keep it on you at all times. You will need it to move around in the building. The doors will only open after scanning the barcode on the back of it," He explained while nodding to a guard waiting by the door to show me around.

"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow morning sir," I said while standing up.

"Likewise. And Ms Solano? PLEASE do not lose your badge! I'm sorry but I really have to stress this. We can NOT afford for it to fall into the wrong hands."

"Understandable. You have my word sir." I shook his hand and followed the y'all buff guard out the office. We walked around the building and the guard, whose name I came to know as Symere, gave me the run down on everything I needed to know.

We walked into a hall in the east wing of the building where Symere said the most dangerous of the patients were housed. My nerves were kind of shot, however I didn't show it. I mean, after all this was a mental asylum and these were the most menacing and unstable patients in one big room. Looking around, I grabbed Symere's arm and took in my surroundings.

The room was a sickening yellow color. Everything was pristine and orderly. The tables were small and held only 2 people. There were a total of 12 tables, some of which were occupied, and a 7 guards in the room. The windows were barred and the sun was barely peeking through the sheer curtains. There was a small radio in the corner alongside a water fountain.

Walking further into the room, I noticed the large TV mounted high on the wall. It was showing an episode of Supernatural. I Asked Symere if it was okay for me to sit in the back at one of the empty tables and observe for a few minutes. Nodding his head, he told me I could stay for 20 minutes and stood in the corner by the water fountain with his arms crossed. 10 minutes passed with me observing the patients and seeing how they interacted with one another as well as with the guards in the room. Most were calm and oddly serene as long as they were left to their own devices. Some needed a little extra attention as they were easily irritable.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the chair across from me scrapping the floor and being pulled from the table. Snapping my head in that direction, I turned my attention on the intruder. Surprised at the sight before me, I raised my eyebrow studying the rainbow haired man who took a seat. He was clearly hispanic with full pink lips and big brown eyes. His hair was in a messy bun on top of his head with the sides and back shaved into a slight buzz cut. What stood out the most was the big "69" on his forehead. He also had a spiderweb scrawled on one side of his jaw as well as the character "Jigsaw" from the movie Saw above it. He had a few other face tattoos as well. Taking in his whole appearance, I noticed he had the number 69 tattooed on himself a lot. Hmm, What was so special about that number?

"Are you done observing me or..," a gruff yet smooth voice spoke. Looking up at his face again, I noted the curious yet annoyed look on his face.

"Oh, how rude of me. I'm sorry, your hair is just.. intriguing."

"Yeah yeah, I'm guessing you're new here..."

"You guessed right. I'm the new Psychiatrist, Kaaylani."

"Cool." With that he turned his attention to the tv and ignored me. Less than 5 minutes later, this reallllly muscular man walked up and pushed past the rainbow haired and almost knocked him out of the chair. I stood up and stood back ready to intervene.

"Ayo ma' nigga you almost knocked me down Blood!" He yelled jumping up out of his seat.

"But did you fall lil nigga," the muscular guy mockingly asked. By now, Symere had already pulled me behind him and other guards were walking up to the table.

"That's not the fucking point bruh! The least you could've did was fucking apologize. Common courtesy blood."

"Look I'm not apologizing for shit, bitch. You feel some type of way too fucking bad.

"You're right b," rainbow head said calmly while smiling. The type of calm that makes your blood turn cold and the hair stand up on the back of your neck. I instantly knew something bad was going to happen. No sooner than I finished my thought, he quickly jumped on the man knocking him down to the floor. He wrapped his arms around the muscular man's neck and started choking him.

The man was so shocked and started clawing at his arms trying to get him off so that he can breath. However, rainbow had a really tight grip and the guards were struggling to pull him off as well. Next thing I know his eyes turned red then black and he whispered something in the man's ear, then bit the guy's eye out before finally snapped his neck killing him instantly. He smiled a bloody smile at me and let the guards drag him out of the room. I was frozen in shock! WTF....

Hey Guys! I'm Back With My New Story Starring 6ix9ine ‼️ Yes I Know It's Been FOREVAAAAAA Since I Posted Anything On This 😩 But I'm Back & I'm Better ☺️💯 Please Vote & Comment 🤞🏾

Oh, And Kaaylani Is Gonna Be Played By Your Truly 😜🤷🏾‍♀️ (Me In The Multimedia)

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