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People always have their special OCs, yah know, the one they always use for like, every situation? Their main go-to oc? I don't have one like that, so, this'll be it! Any special oc I have, I'll make their own separate book to show it (lol).

Warning: Long AF

"I feel so old, it's almost like I've went to the future—or did I? Even I question myself sometimes."

〈Names〉Full Name: Saberlynx GrimNickname(s): Saber, Lynx, Sly

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Full Name: Saberlynx Grim
Nickname(s): Saber, Lynx, Sly.
Old Name: من ينجو

Physical Age: 18-23 years
Mental Age: 15 years
Actual Age: 2 billion+ years

"From what I can remember, I was orphaned when my mother starved to death. It was around the time winter came, so it was fate. I was next to starve, since my mother gave most the food for me, to sacrifice her hunger. I was fostered by my father, well, not my actual father. He took me in, and he's a big man. It was tough love at first, but that made me love him even more, despite the fact that we were two different species. I remember the tragedy, when everyone was dying because the starts were falling down. Oh, was it a sad day. Me and my father survived, but we were said to do something that I've forgotten but he remembers. Yet, he won't tell me. It's just tough love, but he tells me I'll remember when the time comes."

"I've had feelings for so many things, I can't say what I like and what I don't anymore. Well, at least not every single thing."

〈Likes〉-Sweets and Candies-Pillows, Covers, and Beds-Animals (soft spot)-Nature (soft spot)-Meat-The Outdoors-Company -Mammoth Grim (Father)-Cats (Soft spots)-Slim Bodies -Nudity (at times)

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-Sweets and Candies
-Pillows, Covers, and Beds
-Animals (soft spot)
-Nature (soft spot)
-The Outdoors
-Mammoth Grim (Father)
-Cats (Soft spots)
-Slim Bodies
-Nudity (at times)

-Sexual Harassment
-Pretentious People
-Harm to Animals
-Greens and Fruits
-Hard Floors (okay with dirt)

-Hunting Skills
-Sharp Eyes
-Good Senses
-Physical Strength

-Mental Strength
-Emotionally Weak
-Soft Spots for Animals, Nature, and Felines.

"My persona? Father says I'm very lovable, though that may be bias. Hm...I don't really think about this myself, so I'll tell you what my father tells me. He says that I'm very open-minded about things, which gets in the way of some of my activities. He also says I'm a little immature and a bit slow, but then again, I still have more to learn about how things are now. I am easily impressed though, but I am emotionally weak. So, even though I hate crying, I do cry easily. At heart, I'm an animal lover and a nature baby, I just love the outdoors. And because I don't really have much of a sense of control, I am extroverted and sometimes, but rarely, can't get the mood."

"Oh gee, this might be embarrassing. Don't judge me too harshly, though, it's not like I can avoid being judged."

〈Personal Information〉Sexuality: Bisexual Turn On(s): Bondage, Biting, Licking, Sucking, Roleplay, Petting, Teasing, Make-outs, and Fondling

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Personal Information
Sexuality: Bisexual
Turn On(s): Bondage, Biting, Licking, Sucking, Roleplay, Petting, Teasing, Make-outs, and Fondling.
Turn Off(s): Blood, Abuse, Bodily Fluids, Costumes, Handcuffs , Ropes, Weird Kinks.

"What else do you wanna know about me?"

〈Other〉"Oh, you probably don't know this, but don't tell anyone else, okay? I can turn into an endangered species

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"Oh, you probably don't know this, but don't tell anyone else, okay? I can turn into an endangered species....a Lynx! Don't believe me? Of course I won't tell you what I was before, but I'm a Lynx now since physically, it looks like the creature I was before. My father is an elephant! Sure, he's a huggable chubby man, but he's actually an elephant! It's the closet creature to what he was before! Now that I say old am I really?"



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"Do you see the similarities?"

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"Do you see the similarities?"

Saberlynx GrimWhere stories live. Discover now