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A normal day like any other,people walking by the town square,cars flashing by,vendors yelling,and the cops...those pigs...well imma tell you a story about this certain cop who was offered a promotion, a promotion he earned beating some punk down in front of a thousand people crowd but oh well...to serve and protect right? It all started when the little guy tried to play smart.

On the cop's car...

Hey jeff,you see that guy ova there? Look at 'im! He's stealin poor newspaper vendor's wallet!

What!? Says Jeff,our guy.

Yeh! Dude we better move. Says Carl as he steps out the car in the middle of the street. Jeff,who is driving the car pulls over to the sidewalk and gets down running towards Carl and the thief STOP RIGHT THERE! He says as he runs towards them,the thief takes a turn and Carl goes in through an alley GO ON JEFF U GO AFTER HIM!

OK! Yells Jeff as he runs towards him. Jeff's a tall man approximetly 6" with a ripped body and a deep voice. How'd u feel if u saw that chasing u down the street eh?

The thief takes another turn and goes into an alley, at this point Jeff lost sight of him and he runs even faster to try and catch up,when he enters the alley he stumbles upon the thief uuuugh! shit man what the hell! Says the thief on the floor as Carl has his knees on his back.

Aye come on Carl u gon break the poor kid's spine man get off him Says Jeff as he approaches taking a breath.

Carl is a fat fat man,hes black,has a moustache and has a funny voice. So makes sense he sends Jeff after the suspects,but dont underestimate him, he's the owner of 4 Police academy tactical coordenator awards for planning a number of spec ops operations and getting them through succesfully, so yeah not so dumb.

They cuff the guy and they get on their way to the car,on their way there the guy pushes them both and tries to make a run for it Now guys NOW! Says the thief as he turns towards Jeff and Carl. As Jeff and Carl walk towards the man a bunch of thugs jump out of a van and jump on Carl and Jeff Get me outta this!!! Says the thief as he shows the thugs his handcuffs, one of the thugs gets the keys put of Carl's belt and frees him How you like me now!? Says the thief pulling a gun out on Carl.

NO!!!! yells Jeff as he pushes all of the thugs up on him away and runs towards Carl...BAM!

Jeff stops in the middle of running and looks at the thief with a face full of hatred YIAAAAGH! Jeff jumps on the thief and punches him in the face breaking his nose and making him bleed quite a lot,he pulls his gun out and points it at the thugs Get off!! the thugs run off scared as Jeff turns back to the thief and starts to punch him in a rampage making him bleed from almost every space in his face,he sees the man defenseless on the floor tornt out to pieces and crying

Pathetic. Says Jeff as he gets up and shoots the man with his stun gun BzzzzzzzzzzZzzzZZzzzZz he looks at him as he steps back and someone puts their hand on his shoulder Man, what the fuck??

Carl!? *He turns around* No shit sherlock

Woah! he shot you man,you okay?! Says Jeff as he looks for a gunshot wound on Carl.

Man he didnt hit me Says Carl all weird looking,that guy's worse than me with guns dawg! he didn't hit shit

Im glad man,but... woah,the guy, I... I...

*Sirens sound*

What's that? Say both. Two patrols arrive and come out of the cars

Hands where i can see them!

Woah,woah! man this is a mistake! Says Jeff as he steps forward.

STEP BACK! Says the police officer as he point his gun at him. At that moment a black van arrives and a man with a tuxedo and dark glasses gets down.

Gentlemen... says the man as he walks forward showing them his I.D.

Tom Ravage,FBI,federal business.if you would step back. Jeffrey Matthews you're as of now under my custody,i'll take you to the office and we'll talk there. In the meantime no questions,no buts,no...nothing. Says the man as he grabs Jeff by his arm and takes him towards the van,Carl walks behind them looking scared.

The man gets Jeff inside the back seat and gets in the passenger seat.

If you would excuse me mister Carlson,federal business. He says as he slams the door. The window tint of the van is so dark nothing can be seen inside. Carl stands in the sidewalk as he watches the van leave

You're coming with us sir we'll take you back to the station ok? Says a policeman as Carl waves his head and walks towards him.

Well now you may be thinking...and why did he get a promotion?

well it isnt over here.

On the FBI office

An agent slams a file at a table where Jeff is siting. That,that's your file. Big isn't it? We checked your history,you're skilled...you're also savage you're an animal. Its not the first time something like this happened, you've had your fair share of incidents. Either ignored or passed on you're lucky they havent taken them into concern, but this one...im going to use this as an opportunity, im offering you a job...simple...you accept, i erase all your charges,you dont,you and your sorry ass go to jail so what is it gonna be? Says Tom as he stretches his hand towards Jeff.

I cant just accept a job because you want, what's it about? Says Jeff.

Let me ask you something Jeffrey,ghosts,demons...do you believe in them?......

No... Replies Jeff

Hehehe... well lemme tell you they exist...they're very real,and they attack an approximate of 200 persons an hour. Nothing too serious tough,but there are certain people...certain people that are marked,marked for death,those demons take care of those markings... it's a thing of life,we're not to interfere with that,for us to do so it would result in ourselves being marked... and that's not pretty at all,but there are certain people that know how to mark and they use it for bad...they mark innocent people,people they envy,people they want revenge on,for any reason... and not only that,they sell their services, you go up to the guy pay him ten grand and give him a name... two days later found dead...brutaly! THAT! Thats our job,to stop that from happening... we must kill both the marker and the demon after the victim thus we most also remove the mark from the body. Long process that is but its worth it! and you'll feel good trust me,come on give it a chance... *Tom looks firmly at Jeff*

Ha! bullshit i call on that,hahaha! you expect me to believe that rubbish? Says Jeff as he laughs.

Come on Jeffrey take this...meet me tomorrow morning at the Town square...GO! or you're dead you hear me? not by my hand...

tell you what,ill even pay up front. Says tom as he pulls a stack of a hundred dollar bills and puts them on the table.

Take em go ahead,but you'll be accepting the job...

Jeff stretches his hand and takes the money. Okay...see you tomorrow.

I've arranged transport for you it'll be here soon,for now sleep Says Tom as he turns away.

Jeff takes a step forward to go behind him and he passes out.


Maaarked for death you are...


To be continued...

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