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You, Ethan, Grayson and Jake are best friend since you all were six. Until you all went to 5th grade Jake started to hang out with bullies and he also started to bully Grayson and Ethan 

*High school*
"Hey my favorite boys" you said as you sat in the backseat
"Hey y/n" they both said
*At school*
"Hey here comes y/n with her minions" Jake said while pointing at  you,Ethan and Grayson  Everyone laughed  You rolled your eyes and looked at Grayson and Ethan they looked really sad
"Come on guys don't listen to them" you whispered to Ethan and Grayson
*Ring Ring*
You went to your first period with Ethan and Gray
*Skip to lunch*
You,Grayson and Ethan went to the cafeteria and got your food then sat down at a table. When you sat down Josh from your third period class sat down in front of you. You and the twins got confused  "So y/n your invited to my party on Friday" Josh said while handing you a Invitation then left You opened the Invitation and read it  Congratulations your invited to Josh's party on a Friday at 9:00 btw Don't Invite Ethan or Grayson
You look up from the Invitation and look at Ethan and Grayson then put the Invitation in your backpack
"I'm not going" you said
"What do you mean y/n?" Grayson said  "I'm not going to a party without my best friends" you said while hugging E and Gray *After school*
You Ethan and Grayson went to their house
I really wanted to go to Josh party but I can't go because that might hurt Ethan and Grayson
"Hey y/n" Ethan and Grayson said
"Hey Eth Hey Gray" you said
"We feel sorry that your not going to that party because of us so" Ethan said
"We are going to make this night a best friends night just all three of us" Grayson said 
"So what do you say want to make this night a best friend night" Ethan said
"Sure" you said smiling and getting off the couch 

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