komaeda in his drunk haze went up 2 hagamie uuuuuuuuuuuuuuur so hot" he say gtting b0ner" plz stop im scared." Hagayme wasnt drunk 2 hourlater when hajmei
wad ddrunk komaeda began TWORKING "ffuck im gay" say hag as komaeda began to ddab
why did iiii buag throw this party thoutliterlyevery1 wwwwwatching the two fellows making out and twerking on each othrr "lick it up baby lick it up now get it on with a pssychopath" hhhajime said thinking of his sex life with komaeeexa
that was a traumatic day for everyone rip lol c u next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Komahina smutssssssssssmursmut dut dmut dmut
FanfictionSmut smut smut dmut smut!!!!!!!!!!!!!smut,