where you belong

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gun is thrumming with happiness as he steps into the airport. it feels like he's been gone for years, even if it was just a week, and he's missed all of his friends and family so much. not to mention the one particular person he's dying to see. there's a bounce in his step as he pulls his luggage along behind him and he smiles.

im home.


when gun steps into the gmm office, the first person he sees is oab. the older is sitting behind the reception desk, spinning back and forth in the chair. when he stops and notices gun, he has a huge smile on his face.


oab chuckles and stands, stepping around the desk.

"i heard you'd be back today so i came to welcome you."

he wraps his arm around gun's shoulders, squeezing tightly. it's nice to see him again, gun thinks. they don't see each other often, their schedules less at fault than a certain someone who won't allow them near each other.

they hug for at least 2 minutes and maybe gun's a little emotional. he just loves his friends, okay?

there's a loud cough from the door and gun's face lights up like oab wasn't even there.


off is leaning against the door and he can't even pretend to be upset when gun is looking at him like that. gun is about jump on him when someone suddenly steps between them. gun almost hits his head on the man's chest and off reflexively asks if he's okay. gun hums before looking up at the man he bumped into and smiling widely.



tay ruffles his hair and grins. "how was your trip," he asks, poking gun's cheek.

"so fun, p! i missed everyone, though."

"you're too cute, sunshine. im glad you had fun." tay pulls his cheek one more time as off mutters something about an 'overly touchy fucker' under his breath, arms crossed over his chest. tay turns toward the older quickly, smirk on his face.

"you said something?"

off's about to just push tay out of the way when someone else calls out to gun from down the hall.

"krist!" he calls, pure happiness in his voice.

"goddamn it." off kicks tay in the shin, hoping it'll give him a hint to never get in the way like that again.

"tell me all about your trip! come on." krist pulls gun behind him. gun turns to look at off and snickers when he sees the older slapping the back of tay's head, eyebrows furrowed.


it takes at least an hour before he and krist finish talking. he gives krist another hug before running off, looking for his favorite person. gun finally finds him again pouting at a random desk. he plans to surprise off, slowly sneaking up behind him and at that exact moment, arm walks in the room.

"hey, gun!" off turns quickly in the chair, standing up immediately. arm takes two steps towards gun, holding his arms open for a hug before off explodes.

"fuck! are you all JOBLESS? don't you have anything to do? can't you give me 10 seconds with him? fuck, and don't stand between us! god," he heaves a loud sigh, pushing past arm and takes gun's hand in his. he begins to pull gun towards the small office in the back, frustration slowly  chipping away when he feels the way gun's palm fits so perfectly against his.

gun just laughs at his antics, squeezing off's hand and pulling the older back into him, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"p," he says, taking a step back and looking up, "did you miss me?"

"what do you think?"

they stand in silence for a while, off simply nuzzling his face in gun's hair.

"i missed you so fucking much," he whispers, raising his head to kiss gun's nose and putting his head back down on the younger male's shoulder. gun just smiles, turning his head and kissing the shell of off's ear.

this is home.


[ugh i hope you guys like this bc i really hate it! anyways my brother came home today so thats gr8! im in bad mood for no reason tho.]

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