Prologue - Down In The Mud

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I had been lying in this God-forsaken alley for almost two hours when they finally stopped looking for me. From where I was hiding I could see them as they passed multiple times with swords drawn. After waiting awhile longer, I finally decided to get moving I needed to get away and get to my horse. I take two steps and fall to the ground; the excruciating pain almost unbearable, I almost couldn't hold back my scream. I can only guess the arrow that hit me was covered in Valdarian Poison.

There is only one thing that can cure it and of course I had not one drop. I curse myself: how could I be so stupid? How hadn't I seen that ambush? At that moment, I heard footsteps approaching the alley; I was in to much pain too try and get up. I flexed the wrist of my right hand and took satisfaction in hearing the five foot blade slide out of the leather gauntlet on my forearm.

I smiled to myself; at least I would go down fighting no matter how long it lasted. But what I wasn't prepared for was the girl who turned the corner. She was wearing a well-worn riding shirt and pants with muddy boots,and had chestnut brown hair. She was carrying a wicker basket with some bread, cheese and what looked like herbs in it. Beside her walked a dwarf, who clearly was her bodyguard. The Dwarf wore somewhat dull steel-plated armor, a steel helmet, a double-headed battle axe, a knife, and a crossbow.

He kept constantly looking behind them, probably making sure that no one sneaks up on them. I quickly flexed my wrist again and the sharp blade retracted into the gauntlet. As soon as the blade went back in the girl noticed me on the ground, she ran up and dropped to the ground beside me. The dwarf had to run to catch up with the girl and had his knife drawn thinking I might try to rob them. "Are you well, sir?" the girl asked concern clouded her face.

I didn't know what to say I want to get away from this place to escape but, then an idea popped into my head that I could use.
"Valdar...Valdarian...Poison." Her eyes widened at that, she looked at the dwarf and he signed deeply "Aye, the lad can come back... I guess." He looked behind them and gave a sharp whistle and, two humans and a wood-elf, turned the corner. The humans wore similar armor to the Dwarf, but one carried a broadsword ,and dual-axes; the other one, a girl carried a sword and shield. The elf was wearing leather armor, and she had a bow and duel-swords.

She ordered her guards to help me up and get me to there ship in the port. As we moved to the port my pursuers found us. "OI! THERE HE IS!!" The Human in the front of the group yelled. There was at least five others behind him. At that moment my mind decided it wanted to do something stupid.

Before, they started to us my arm was lifting itself up to aim. When the top of my thumb lined up with the lead human I have my hand a little jerk. From under my wrist a somewhat soft thunk came out, a hidden blade with a thin steel line attached to it followed it. The knife flew faster than the eye could follow. A wet shhkk sounded from his chest, he and a few of his men around him stopped to look at what happened.

He stared at the knife that had happened to appear out of nowhere. Then, he look up again all he could manage to say was "Get... that... bastard." Then, he started falling backwards I jerked my hand again and the blade started to retract to me. "Run for it!" I shouted to the guards holding me and for the rest of the group.

They chased us from that alley all the way to the docks. As we kept running to the docks something big took to the sky, the shape moved swiftly through the air over the port city. The few details that one could make for what they could see was that it was huge, it had wings, had wicked looking claws and teeth, and... oh look at it could breath fire. One word came out of one of the Orc's mouth that had been chasing us until they stopped to stare at this monstrosity. "DRAGON!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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