"I can't believe it's time..." Briana said casualy to her older brother Sam.
Sam cleared his throat and said out dramitaclly like in a thriller movie, "It's time, to let it all go and be a high school scholar, well a freshman that is by the way little sister it isn't glamourous"
"I never said it was gonna be Sammy the Sarcastic bear!", Briana scolded
"Relax, I'm only playing around no need to through a bitch fit", Sam concluded casually
"some big brother you are, what vulgar", Briana said then later just waked away cause the conversation was going to end with a huge fight one way or another,Briana thought a lot about Triolgy High, the boys, the academics and most importantly the hockey,"This ones a fighter" those were the best words to drive Briana when she had to play hockey,she was a regional player and took hockey very seriously, she often had flash back about playing on the International Hockey Team and being the best there could be, the captain.
On Briana's Death Bed 75 Years later
Briana reflects back on her life and sees the up's and mostly downs of her life, the story begins at the end where not the author, but her alter ego, Briana tells the story...This is her story now...
The High School girl
Teen FictionIt is about a young teenager who discovers the laws of High School (secondary) as well as love and boys, learns that frienshship can survive almost anything....ofcourse alomst