First Apology

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Yoongi arrived at work the next day at 8:30 am sharp, making a vow not to be late again. All the clothes to wear while on the job were with the stylists. Escorts were asked to bring them back immediately after the appointment, but many brought them back in bags at the end of the week. So Yoongi walked into the building holding a shopping bag filled with clothes from his last week working.

His first stop was the male dressing room to meet with Bam. The other seemed surprised he was here on time, and early at that. "Gi, Why're you not late today?" He smirked at the other as he spoke.

"I didn't want to get on the boss' bad side so soon, unlike you." He handed the bag off to the stylist, who, he noticed, was currently rocking some disastrously ripped skinny jeans in the cold weather, and looked over the clothes on display. "I wouldn't be surprised if you and him had a thing going on, but he's too much of a jerk for that." The last bit was said under his breath, but it looked like Bam still heard him. If he did, he didn't say anything.

"I'd never cheat on my boyfriend, Gi. I may dress and act like a slut, but my heart ain't one."

Yoongi nodded with a soft laugh, holding a shirt against himself as the stylist put the clothes Yoongi gave him down the dirty clothes shoot. "I know, B. Don't take offense. How is Yugyeom doing anyway?"

"He's doing fine. Stressed from work, but I think he's happy-"

"Why does everyone call you Bam?"

The stylist looked up Yoongi with a raised eyebrow at the random question, but the escort was looking at a shirt. "And why do you ask?"

He shrugged, moving on to the next piece of clothing. "Just wondering what your real name is and why everyone calls you 'Bam'. It's pretty random."

"That question is pretty random." They both smiled at each other, the stylist's being brighter than the other. "People call me Bam because no one can pronounce my real name. And it's Bam because that's what the kids at my school called me."

"So what's your real name? Does Yugyeom call you it?"

A shake of the head from the stylist as he handed Yoongi an outfit he'd been picking out. "He calls me it but only when he's mad. Or when we're in bed, but usually it's just Bhu."


Another shake of the head. "Bhu. It's the first bit of my name."

"And the rest?"

The stylist looked at Yoongi. "Why the sudden interest? No one here has asked me that before except Yugyeom."

The escort shrugged limply and sighed, sitting down to put his shoes on. "I just wanna know. I'm curious, I care, I want to know."

There was a brief silence before the stylist spoke. "Kunpimook Bhuwakul." Yoongi startled face made the other laugh. "You understand why people don't try saying my name?"

Yoongi smiled and stood, dusting his outfit off and holding his arms out for the other. "How do I look?"

The other smiled back and held up an O.K with his hand. "Ready for brunch!"

Laughing and waving goodbye, Yoongi moved over to Minki's makeup station. The other did his makeup perfectly for the appointment, and Yoongi didn't struggle as much as he normally would have. Well, maybe a little bit to mess with the other.

"Who ordered me for this meeting or session or whatever it is?" Minki was always the one who told him who placed the appointment because he always had their file on hand when styling the makeup.

"Same as last time. You're lucky, Gi. It looks like you've got another regular. That and you've been seeing them casually recently~!" His tone of voice took on a taunting undertone, it didn't help that he was right.

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