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I don't know exactly when and how I started to like Jin as more than just a friend. All I know is that on the day he told me he was in love -- with someone else, obviously -- I was devastated. But I'm getting way ahead of myself.

As I was saying, I don't know exactly when and how I started to like Jin as more than just a friend. But it was definitely sometime between the age of 5 (for me, 7 for him), when we first met as neighbours and started playing almost every day, and the age of 19 (again for me, and 21 for him), when we started becoming aware that we were no longer little boys and that we will soon be falling in love.

I just didn't know that I *was* already in love. Such a long time frame to pinpoint exactly when I fell in love. But I guess, at some level, I always knew. Yes, even when I was 5 and too young to know what being in love meant.

Because even then, my days were never complete unless I saw Jin.

My perfect, perfect Jin.

He wasn't always this drop-dead gorgeous. Or this "worldwide handsome," as he'd love to joke around.

He was the geekiest of geeks when I met him. With slightly chubby cheeks and prescription glasses that accentuated those chinky eyes. He was not as easy on the eyes back then but his face always seemed to cheer me up. When he smiles and those eyes crease along with the curve of his lips, I can't help but thank the heavens that I have someone I can look at when my day is not exactly so bright.

I loved being around Jin so much that just a few weeks after meeting him, playdates were no longer enough for me. That's when weekend sleepovers started to be a habit.

It started out that I'd ask my mom to invite Jin for sleepovers. We'd hide under the sheets, play games (from pretend-pirates to video games when we were older), and joke about becoming famous idols in the future. I think he enjoyed being with me as much as I enjoyed being with him because soon, his mom also started inviting me over. We were more often at my place, though.

"I hate it when other people sleep in my bed. You're an exception. Sometimes," Jin once told me.

I thought this habit of sleeping over was just a childhood thing. But then we grew into strapping teenagers and we'd still crash each other's rooms, this time not needing an invite from our parents. Almost always, our moms will have an extra place set at the dinner table. It was so rare that our dinners are not spent with each other.

As if the sleepovers and dine-ins are not enough traditions, Jin started another one the summer of 2016. We were sort of regretting going to the beach because of the scorching heat but were also too elated to finally be by ourselves on an out-of-town trip.

So we stayed. We were under the shade of a tree, trying to enjoy the experience. Then Jin hugged me tightly. I was trying to ward him off because I was already sweating like crazy.

"Jin! Get off me," I told him.

"Hobi! It's too hot!!! I need a hug," he replied.

That's how "warm hugs" started. He'd weirdly give me a hug every time the weather is too warm. I rarely do it to him but I did start enjoying his clinginess during summer time (though he'd also get clingy when the temp drops).

So that summer, as I was waiting at the airport for Jin's return from his brief study program in New York, I wasn't surprised when someone suddenly hugged me from behind.

"Jin?," I asked not looking back but already knowing the answer.

"HOBI! I missed you so much!" Jin answered.

I wanted to turn around and see his handsome face but he tightened his hug. The smile it brought to my lips suddenly faded when he whispered...

"I can't wait for you to finally meet the love of my life."

A/N: I kinda know that the Namjin-2Seok triangle is really *not* that popular. But I dunno, I really gravitated towards this; mainly because this is the kind of storyline I foresee the triangle as having. So I figured I'd pen it in a proper outlet and see how many people see it the way I do. I see this as running between 8 to 10 chapters. We'll see! Hope you guys liked my first venture into fanfic. Don't hesitate to comment! Would love the feedback. ^_^

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