Battle with Infinite

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Liarel had made her way through the into the fortress trying to see if she can find Sonic or anyone else of the Resistance she had to tell them that the Ruby was now controlling Infinite.

"Liarel can you hear me?" Sonic's Voice came from the Communicator.

Liarel moved her hand to it. "Yes I can Sonic." she replied

The female Jackal heard a sigh of relief coming from the Blue blur. "Glad to hear, all we saw was you and Infinite falling to the ground..." he replied

"Well I was just trying to find you and tell you..." Liarel said.

"What tell me what?" Sonic asked

Liarel took a deep breath. "I don't adment to fear often but now I am... the Phantom Ruby have taken control over Infinite." she replied

"What does that even mean?" Shadow asked with a slight growl.

Liarel growled lowly.

"Shadow, now is not the time to argue with her." Sonic said

"Sonic is right... this war is not over we need to destroy the Ruby!" Liarel stated

"I'm on my way to where Infinite was just spotted." Sonic replied

"Alright, I'll be around if you need me." Liarel said before running to find Sonic within the base.

"All ships, provide backup for Sonic and the others!" Knuckles replied. "Draw the Enemy's attention and shield them from damage!"

Liarel eventually found Sonic and she also provided some cover for him and others were not going well for her either.

"All hands, maintain altitude and assemble a tight formation." a Soldier said. "Sonic's team is our last hope. We have to protect them!"

"Yes that would be nice!" Liarel said

Sonic continued speeding through the area destroying robots as well, Liarel was doing the same in the air.

"A Huge enemy force is closing fast! We're falling under attack!"

"Keep an eye on them, don't let then get near! Every second we buy for Sonic counts!"

Liarel looked up to see the Forces closing in. "Shit..." she spat lowly.

"Keep moving, Liarel we've got this!" Sonic stated

Liarel looked at him and nodded as she continued along with Sonic.

Before long Sonic had reached where Infinite was located while Liarel was off fighting robots elsewhere, Infinite looked at the Blue blur before he said. "Pathetic little hedgehog, even with the Phantom Ruby weakened." he started to say while watching his mask then moving his hand away. "I still have enough power to smash you into blue jelly, I'll show you how outclassed you really are."

Sonic just looked at him with a smug look. Liarel was right. He thought to himself "I'm in a class all my own, time to put up or shut-up, Infinite!"

Sonic then ran and jumped towards Infinite but the Masked Jackal backed away before lifting his hand up and taunting the Hedgehog before he used to ruby to make himself three times larger than he was before moving away backwards and using the Ruby again to try and Hit Sonic.

"What would you like your epitaph to read?" Infinite asked with a slight smirk under his mask. "How about 'here lies the blue buffoon'?"

Sonic looked up at him. "Why not 'here dozes the masked clown'?" he asked. "Might as well make it for the person who needs one right?"

Infinite growled to that as he continued to make attacks onto Sonic but the Blue blur was easily evading them and got a few hits on the Jackal himself he groaned before the Ruby on his chest was glowing brightly again. "You're done for Sonic." Infinite said with a grin. "The Phantom Ruby's energy is recharged."

Infinite unleaded an area burst of the Ruby's power Sonic looked away for a moment before looking at the Jackal again.

"Perish, along with your useless friends." Infinite continued

Then suddenly a grappling hook came right in front of him he looked to see Shadra coming into the fight. "You!" he growled

Shadra landed between Sonic and Infinite and she glared at the Jackal.

"My friends got be this far, and together we're going to win!" Sonic stated

Infinite growled again and continued what he was doing before but now he had the feline to deal with as well.

"Friends are nothing but and fleeting illusion, you can count on nobody but yourself!" Infinite growled

"Your mask can't hide everything!" Shadra stated. "You've done everything for Liarel and now that Ruby controls you!"

The Masked Jackal didn't respond to him, the fight continued for a while before before Shadra and Sonic dashed them self into Infinite causing him to fall onto his stomach he groaned as he started to get up and he also was starting to glitch in and out.

Sonic and Shadra just looked at him as he looked at them.

"Impossible." Infinite said and looked at one of his hands as he turned it into a fist. "I cannot be defeated."

Sonic shook his hand at him. "Wrong, lozer!" He stated and moved closer to Sharda. "The only things that can't be defeated are heart, soul, and the bonds of friendship-."

"Infinite!" Liarel's voice suddenly cried out

Sonic and Sharda looked and were pushed out of the way by the female Jackal and she grabbed a lot of Infinite and she to was starting to glitch in and out but she didn't notice it.

"Liarel... what are... you doing?" Infinite asked

"I am not losing you, Infinite..." Liarel cried out

The two just watched them before suddenly Infinite was started to fade.

"No..." Liarel said and grabbed him.

"No, wait! I can still fight!" Infinite suddenly said and gasped before he and Liarel turns into a sheer red beam and headed up for the fortress' tower.

The two grunted as they were plopped down into a unknown room Liarel looked around before moving to Infinite as he tried to get up. "Zero... you Alrig-."

She was unable to finish when the Liarel was pushed away from him suddenly, infinite was then grabbed by an unknown energy and the Masked Jackal suddenly screamed in pain as the Phantom Ruby glowed even more bright.

"ZERO!" Liarel screamed

Infinite continued to cry out and scream in pain before it suddenly stopped but he was now floating in the middle of the room but he as not there willingly.

"What is this?" Infinite asked trying to get out of his restrains from the Ruby

Liarel looked up at him she tried to move to him but was then grabbed from behind she looked around and cried out a little. "No, no, no, no, no!"

"Liarel?!" Infinite snapped

Liarel looked up at him tears were threatening to come down her face, Infinite then looked towards her they both were restrained but had no idea what was doing it, Infinite tried to fight the restraints but when he tried the power of the Ruby inflicted pain onto him causing the Masked Jackal to cry out in pain.

Liarel also screamed in pain as well it seemed to connect that if one tried to fight both would have the pain inflicted onto them of them, eggman sure did have a backup plan on this and both Liarel and Infinite didn't like the outcome of it.

Suddenly whatever they were in was starting to move around shaking the room like crazy.

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