Chapter 4

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I gasped for breath and my knees wobbled, I clutched my hand onto my head and rubbed it. The man held onto my arm to steady me and I said.

"The memories, they keep coming to me. My head hurts."

"Sit down, Arden. Stop thinking of it too much, you're gonna get exhausted."

I did as I was told and sat down and he did the same.

"Will they come back?"

He gave me a questioning look and I replied with.

"The memories."

"Sooner or later they will. Then you'll understand things more than you already do now."

I frowned and pursed my lips.

So damn secretive, geez.

A thought suddenly appeared along with a memory and I paled.

"Wait... The wolf. Yo-"

I stopped my sentence and my eyes grew wide and I dragged my bum a few steps back from him.

"Don't tell me you're th-"

Abruptly he stopped me from finishing the words and said in a stern voice.

"Arden, don't. It's best if you try to get all of your memories back before you start theorize about things you may not understand at this moment."

My mouth opened and closed multiple times, I probably looked like a fish out of water. I closed my mouth and looked away.

"Alright then. Do you know the way back to town?"

He nodded and rose up to his full height, then he dropped his hand down to me. I hesitated, but then I grabbed onto it and felt a slight tingle, then got myself up from the ground. I nodded in thanks and he gave me a small smile, I let his hand go and the tingles left.

We walked in silence as he lead me through the trees. After some time we were finally by the lake, he stopped abruptly and turned to face me.

"This is as far i'll go."

I swallowed and thanked him, then turned to leave.

"Arden. It's good to see you again."

I turned to him and saw so many different emotions swirling in his eyes. Longing, hope and worry. I gave him a small smile and turned my back and made my way into town.

When I was about to pass through the threshold of Grace's house I was stopped by Rowan's angry voice and froze.

"Where the hell have you been? I went searching for you but I couldn't find you anywhere. Grace has been extremely worried for you."

He grabbed onto my arm and pulled me into the house and staring into his eyes was like looking into a forest fire. I thought of a quick answer and decided not to tell them about Azriel, I didn't want to put anyone in danger in case he came looking for me again. That thought made me wonder, did he survive the fight with the wolf back at the lake? I mentally shook my head. Not now. I bit my lip and lied.

"I got lost in the forest, I couldn't find my way back."

His eyes seemed to soften just a fraction but his anger still burned bright.

"Don't ever wander around the forest alone again. We don't know if there are wolves that will attack again."

I nodded in conformation and Rowan passed by me to leave. He shut the door with a slight force and I jumped.


I made my way to the kitchen and saw Grace sitting by the table looking worried.


"Are you hungry?"

I nodded and she made her way to the fridge to get some leftovers out and heat it up.

"You know."

She said and paused to get a fork and knife out of the drawers.

"You look a lot like Gerald's grandchild. You even have the same name"

"Oh, is that so?"

She gave me a smile and put the food in a plate and set everything on the table.

"Eat, dear."

I ate in silence and after a few moments passed by us, I asked.

"What happened to him?"

Her eyes looked sad and she inhaled deeply before replying.

"Well, About 8 years ago. There was a incident at his house, his granddaughter was taken. He looked for her for about 7 years, he never found out what had happened to her until last year. Someone found him dead, there was claw marks all over his body."

She paused and cleared her throat.

"He was such a good man, even though he wore a mask to hide his pain. You see, the parents of his granddaughter died in a car accident when she was 6. He lost his only son and granddaughter. Poor little girl, she was only 12 when she was taken. Rowan used to play with her, they were childhood friends."

She brushed a tear away from her cheek and walked to get a glass out of the cabinet, she filled it with water then placed it on the table beside my plate. I thanked her and drank slowly. There was a long silence before she then said.

"If she hadn't been taken. She would had been around 20 years old now."

She met my gaze and something about it oozed that she knew something I didn't.

I was screaming for him, please come help me. The strange man is taking me away.


I kept screaming for him, why won't he come save me?

"Arden! Where are you!?"

I can see him through the trees, the strange man is saying that if I don't keep my mouth shut he's gonna kill grandpa. No he can't. The strange man has me over his shoulder, my wrists bound together tightly. I need to get away from him, he's gonna kill me.

"Grandpa! Help!"

I scream for him again and again. I can see him more clearer now, he's running towards me. But he's not fast enough. A sob wracks throughout my body and I scream for the strange man to let me go, over and over until my voice is hoarse.


I can hear grandpa now further and further in the distance. He won't be able to save me. Another sob spills out of me and I can hear the strange man telling me that it's alright and that my home is with him. Another shout from my grandpa, but it's getting fainter. No, I don't want to go with this beast. He's evil.


I wake up with a start, breathing heavily.

What the hell was that dream?

I press my palm against my forehead, massaging it.

That strange man, his voice. So familiar.

My eyes widened, that wasn't a dream, that was memory!

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