Do I like Isaac Now?

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I woke up this morning and went into Isaac room and saw him shirtless. He was pretty buff but still I didn't go in. I went downstairs to eat and after I ate Isaac came down and gave me a kiss on my cheek.
You: Hey Isaac
Isaac: Hey baby
You: Not so fast there Isaac
Isaac: You know I still like you
You: Well you kidnapped me so do you think I would kiss you back or call you "baby"
Isaac: You just called me baby
You: Cause your cu-
Isaac: I'm what. He said getting out some orange juice of of the fridge
You: Ok I say it your cute
Isaac starts to kiss you and you kiss back, the kiss was only for 15 seconds. You said " I love you." To him and he said "I love you back."
You: I mean
Isaac: You know what you said
You: Can't take it back I guess
Isaac: Do you still like me
You: I don't like you
Isaac: You Don't
You: I love you instead
Isaac: You tricked me for a second there
You: Let's just keep this between me and you for now, don't tell Jonah
Isaac: I would never babe
You: Thanks Isaac
Isaac smilies at you and you smile back and look into his eyes. He tells you to follow him and you do. He leads you into his room and you start to kiss him, he kisses you back. You start to make out on his bed. The whole time you weren't thinking about Jonah and how hurt he would be if I told him. I think I love Isaac more than Jonah. It was the next day. Isaac arm was wrapped around my neck. I looked down and I was naked so was Isaac. Oh no we made out last night. I quickly put on some clothes. I got my phone and before I could text anyone Isaac took my phone.
You: ISAAC!!!
Isaac: You just can't have your phone babe
You: Cmon just this once
Isaac: Nope
You: Ok then...
You: I still l-l-love y-you
Isaac: Will you be my girlfriend
You: But I'm with Jo-
Isaac: Don't say his name in my house
You: Dang ok...
Isaac: it's just for your safety
You: Then give me my phone
Isaac: No babe sorry
You: Then don't call me babe, Don't think I'm going to kiss or make out with you.
Isaac: Ok then, only if you remove all the boys on Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram
You: Ok then babe
Isaac gave you your phone back. You did what he said but you don't remove Jonah and Jack on Twitter. Isaac tweeted this out " Yesterday was the best night of my life with her. Love her, she's the best girl I met in my life" I Dm Jack where I was and told him not to tell Jonah.
You: don't ask long story
Jack: just tell me
You tell jack the whole story, even when me and Isaac made out.
Jack: Damn u just a little f**king cheater
Jack: I'm pissed of at u
Jack: ur acting like a h*e
Jack: sorry, I has just mad
You: bye have to go, Isaac gonna got my phone if he sees me text u
Jack: bye
You: bye
You stop texting Jack and then Isaac gets your phone.
Isaac: Come and get it
You chased him and saw...


                    ( A/N: Oh no cliffhanger hehe)

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