Chapter Thirteen

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Where the fuck was she ? , what if something happened to her ? . I shook my head to come back to my senses and thought about going and asking tayla she would be with her but it was 1 o clock in the afternoon  i was walking down the lobby making my way to tayla's room but then i saw her in the resturant having lunch but mikaela wasnt with her i ran upto her and started questioning her where is she ? i screamed , she didnt reply i reapted i again this time even louder all the people eating were looking at us , she finally replied ' last night we got really drunk and mikaela started dancing witht this real cute guy and i wan dancing with some other guy he dropped me home all i saw was mikaela passed out and the guy picked her up an took her ' as soon as i heard that anger came across me damn it i banged my hand on the table . What worried me was what if she had sex with him she couldnt she belonged to me not anyone else anyone who comes between us is gunna die .


I woke up with my back leaning against my couch man it hurt sleeping on the couch but what could i do mikaela was on the bed she was looking real sweet like an angel she slowly started moving and woke up in minutes she seem shocked about where she was and i decided to break the silence dont worry , mikaela you passed out yesterday and i didnt know your address plus your friend left with some guy so i bought you here 'oh so can you drop me home if zayn finds out he's gunna torture me ' what did you just say torture and what ? 'nuthing  could you just please drop me ' she replied . I knew there was somethin going on and im gunna find out even if it means stalking mikaela . She told me to drop her at  the marriott hotel so i did and got of with her following her when i went in i saw zayn malik from one direction walking towards her and he grabbed her wrist like he owned her and out of no where she kicked him on his foot and he smacked her and started screaming ' you belong to me you fuking whore any guy who comes between us will die' all mikaela said was ' you cant win anyone's heart by kidnapping her and fuking her everynight and making her you sex slave you fuking man whore slag i hate you ,you dont love me you love my body im nothing but sex for you ' with that she stormed off .

 hope you like it comment and vote so here's whats gunna happen all of you wonderful readers get to choose the plot do you want her to be with zayn, asher or ryan choose and comment an tell me if you want any scene or anything yu want to happen in this story and plz like my zayn malik page from the external link

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