AndI waited, waited, waited, waited. I was waiting for a sign. We werefour at the beginning. And one of the player is dead now. The gamebegan 2 weeks ago, after a party where we drunk a lot. Maybe toomuch. I actually don't know. I supposed be the next, or maybe Elena.Ifa boy was first, the second would be a girl and vice versa. Thepolice musn't know it and investigate about the Jame's death like anormal crime.
Iwaited for 3 days, like He annouced it, and the sign didn't came.Maybe I was already dead, I don't know. During these 3 days I cameback to the police station to answered at them questions about ourrelationship with James, about how he was theses lasts days, if hehad some ennemys and a lots of stupids questions... Of course thepoliceman verified my alibi for the day of the crime. I answered whatHe told me to answered. For that. And for the all questions. I'm alittle bit excited. I want to know what will happen now. After the1rst murder, all will get faster, and harder.
Idon't want to be the next to die. But if He decid to make me die,
Iwill die.