Chapter 9

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Yoongi got Ace out of the school and took her to a nearby cafe. Ace sipped on her Frappuccino and didn't dare to utter a word. Yoongi was mad, his body language and facial expression gave it away. Yoongi closed his eyes and breathed heavily. Ace hesitantly kept her hand on his. She realised how huge his hands were as compared to hers but damn they were so pretty.

Yoongi smiled at how she was admiring his hands. He held her hand gently and said "Would you like to say something about my hands?" Ace stammered "No.. no nothing." Yoongi said "You've got tiny hands." Ace slowly pulled her hand out of his and rested on the table and said "Oh." With a sad face. Yoongi entangled her hand again with his and said "I think its cute." A small smile flashed on Aces face as he said that.

Yoongi said "About today, whatever i did i don't feel like talking about it cause honestly i have no clue how and why i did it but I'm really happy i yelled out your my girl. Well.. what about you?" Ace widened her eyes and said "Oh I'm glad too." Yoongi noticed she finished her Frappuccino and asked "I'll buy you one more." Ace protested but he already went to order another one.

Ace saw him as he stood in the ordering line. She thought about how surreal he was, like a prince, with perfect hair, perfect eyes, amazing dressing like a fantasy prince. She giggled and thought about his gummy smile and how pouty his lips were. Whenever he spoke it would turn into a perfect pout. She wondered how it would be like to kiss him. She felt her cheeks heat up and she Felt embarrassed.

Yoongi came back with her drink and saw her sitting But a funny expression. He asked "Why are making such a face?" Y/n suddenly yelled and spoke "Aah! It's nothing... nothing absolutely nothing!" Yoongi creepily stared at her.

She gulped down her drink and waited for Yoongi to say anything. Within seconds she finished her drink and still felt hungry. Yoongi smirked at her and said "Drink mine." She replied "No no.. it's alright." Yoongi pushed the glass towards her and said "Its alright you've got a huge appetite I'm full anyway." Ace covered her face in embarrassment. Yoongi found it cute, whatever she was thinking was on her face.


"Yoongi thanks for everything today. Why don't you come inside for awhile." Ace requested. Yoongi thought for a while, he wouldn't mind spending time with her. But in he didn't want to be like an intruder.  Ace rolled her eyes and took his hand and practically dragged him inside her house.

Yoongi said "So tomorrow is a weekend, what are you planning to do?" Ace replied "uh.. nothing actually. Maybe a couple of kdramas" yoongi nodded and said "Maybe you could come with me to this carnival in the city?" Ace squealed and jumped on the couch next to yoongi. She said happily "Really?" Yoongi said "Yeah really, i don't really like to go to such places but if you like.." Ace said "Don't worry its an amaizng idea! Anyways lets watch a movie?" Yoongi agreed and let Ace decide the movie. Ace said "Lets watch The Notebook or wait lets watch Letters to Juliet?"

Yoongi waited as she played the movie. She sat at a good distance away from Yoongi. Yoongi hated such movies but for Ace he sat quietly and watched the dreadful romcom. He heard a sob from Ace and looked at her. Her hands were into cute round fists and her eyes gleamed with tears, she looked adorable yoongi thought.She whispered some things to herself. Yoongi chuckled and Ace heard it. She looked at Yoongi and said "Your so mean! Your laughing at me!" Yoongi was flustered he said "No no its just..." Ace stood up on the couch and said "How can you not have feelings! Just imagine if your lover left you what would you do laugh!"

Yoongi said "Calm down... its just.." Ace yelled louder "Just what?!?" Yoongi almost whispered "You look pretty when you do stuff like that." Ace heard it and stood like a statue. After a while she sat quielty next to Yoongi and didn't look at him. "He finds me pretty!" She screamed internally.

Yoongi kept his hand on his forehead. This girl was driving him crazy. How could he say that! He regretted it now.

Ace cleared her throat and said "So you.. think I'm pretty.. when i cry?" Yoongi turned towards her and said "No no i mean..." Ace said "That means I'm not pretty?" Yoongi groaned in frustration. Ace bit her bottom lip and smiled. Yoongi said "what's the next movie you want to watch?"


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