chapter 3

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i climb in the window with blood stained clothes ben asked " good? " i nod ben sighs " i'm bored " ben points at a game u wanna play horror game ben asks i nod and say yes we play for hours then i tell ben i'm going out k ben . Ben nods and plays halo i walk out the room and tell slender i'm going out again with ben he nods and i run into my room where ben is "ben" ben looks at me c'mon lets go i grab ben's hand and we jump out the window and run in the forest we go in human form so we look normal ben wearing a green tee-shirt black skinny jeans i'm wearing (F/C) top and blue skinny jeans and u are both wearing Gray hoodies u and ben head to game then the the weapon shop and you by a pocket knife and 2 guns u show Ur ID and buy the 3 items and then u go kill some one with the new knife and ben has a stab or 2 u smile as u stay in ur creepy-pasta form and go home to the woods u hear that some one else was here thay look around and see 2 people one person is jeff the other is probably a fan-girl cause she has a knife and jeff had a little blood on him this girl was good jeff was very annoyed me and ben walked over "need help jeff " i ask he nods (when the fan-girl is talking it will be -   - k guys ) - who is that - she screams at jeff jeff sighs "jeff wanna try my new knife its only been use once ?" i ask he nods i pass him the knife and i grab my 2 new guns filled with bullies i show her the bullies and load the last one on each gun and point them at her she pretends to be scared so i shoot at her so jeff can get her he abused her and slowly slit her neck i smiled at her and she dies from blood loss jeff gives me my knife back i load 2 more bullies u owe me jeff he nods u 3 get back in the mansion i sigh me and ben go in the room and play halo all night fall asleep at 4 am till 7 am ben and u go to the table for breakfast masky and toby are arguing over breakfast if it should be waffles or cheese cake "pancakes!! " i shout they both stop arguing and agree and sit down slender makes pancakes i eat breakfast so i play the DS with ben and the day was boring beside u playing t or d with jeff , ben , clockwork , toby , nina  , Eyeless Jack and Laughing Jack jeff dares you to eat one of jacks kidney's you did and survive and ben dares every one to get a phone they all get one nina gets one with jeff on the cover of coarse nina would do that later u and ben go back in ur room and play  more halo and you fall asleep while you were playing so ben puts you in your bed

you wake up the next morning with a note 'meet me at the park on cherry tree lane at 7 pm - ???

blood and you ( creapypasta x reader )Where stories live. Discover now