Part 3: School Up side down

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It was school and at the time I left.
"Where were you I looked ALL over for you," Wolf said.
"In the bathroom," I said.
"Girls," he said under his breath.
"What's in the bag," he asked.
"Nothing" I said.
"FUCK'IN BITCHES," Josiah yell, in the voices.
We went quiet. I never lied to him but he would think I'm crazy. I went to my class and walked though the hall; I looked in the bag and I saw two fingered ring, a necklace, and a old book. I put on the necklace.
I open the door, to see my class. I didn't know why I was so happy to see my class.
"What were you doing," Marcy asked (She has brown hair, dyed yellow tips, and brown eyes. Normal for height).
"You can lie to Wolf but you can't lie to us, whats up" Pyper said (normal height and durty blond hair. Very rude most of the time).
I saw 3 of my friend staring at my
"Why are you all looking at my that way," I asked.
"Brianna," the teacher yelled out, Calling roll.
"Hear," Brianna said.
When she was finished taking roll, "Ok take out your computer and get to work," She said.
"Could I go to the bathroom please," I asked.
"Yes," she answered.
I took the bag and left the classroom...

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