There's no going back?

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Welcome back to the story A property of a Gang leader.

                            (The heist)

The day i finished the heist was the day i knew since i had money i could run !!!

Run away from my Adopted Dad I wanted to see my parent's and my dad but before i could run i needed a plan because i knew these people or this gang which they would like to call themselves the malifia i knew they wouldn't let anyone go easy or nice on them.

So I acted like I knew what to do nod my head and listen to every word they was talking about the one thing is i they have done this for years.

After the heist I've been regretting everything I've done I've needed to point my gun at a kid's cause my dick step dad wanted me to.

I could see the little girls eye's just like me sad scared afraid frighten alone so i put my gun down and went to the banks bathroom and took a good look at myself just see who i am i told myself this isn't me.

That moment after the job went successful i went to refreshin myself in the restroom and I had tooken my gun and point it towards my head and saying why?, Why?, Why?
Why does my life have a terrifying experience

Property Of A Gang Leader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now