Chapter Eleven:Bundle of Joy or Bundle of Trouble?

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After Frieza had asked that blood freezing question you simply replied "I don't want to talk about it." He surprisingly let it go. He looked concerned and you could guess that he already knew why it was there. That's when he left the room and went elsewhere, not even continuing our training. You decided that it was time to go pick up little Ajisa from the care of the Ginyu Force. You headed over to where they stayed to watch him only to open the door a pinch to see a room full of chaos and Ajisa crying. "WHY WON'T HE STOP CRYING?!" Recoome yelled out. "Make it stop!!!" Jeice yelled after. "WHERE'S THE OFFSWITCH ON THIS THING?!" Burter said picking up Ajisa, only making him cry more. Ajisa hands were in fist as he hit Burter's chest wailing. Burter looked down at him wide eyed. Ginyu then yelled out to his team. "QUIET!!" They all fell silent. Except for Ajisa. Ginyu walked over and lightly took Ajisa from Burter. Ajisa's wails turn to loud sobs with small hiccups in between. "Ajisa, we tried feeding you but you weren't hungry, you didn't need to use the bathroom, we tried to give you a nap but you weren't tired, what is wrong?" Ginyu asked lightly. "Momma! Momma!" Ajisa said after he began to sob harder. Ginyu's eyes grew with worry. You then began to walk through the door and over to Ajisa. Ginyu saw and then handed him to you slowly. "Ajisa, shh shh shh..... mommy's here baby..." you said then kissed his forehead. Ajisa looked up at you with soft, big, heavy with tear eyes. "" he said sniffling and burying his head in your chest. "We swear we tried everything to calm him down. We did everything we could. We tried to make him laugh, feed him-" You cut Ginyu off. "Don't worry Ginyu. It's just a little separation anxiety. He's probably not use to you all yet." You said smiling. Ginyu smiled back and nodded. "I'm sorry if he was too much to handle." You said looking at the whole force. Which they all shook their heads. "Nah it was fine lady!" Jeice said. "Yeah!" Burter added. "We could babysit him anytime for you." Recoome added. Guldo only nodded his head. "It would give him time to get use to us." Ginyu said after his team. You looked up and smiled nodding. Just then, all heir eyes opened slightly and put a hand on their scouters. After a few moments they looked at you. "Frieza needs us for something. We'll see you later y/n." Said beginning to walk to the door. You nodded and went over to the door. Ginyu held the door open for you and you walked through. "Thank you." You said bowing your head. Ginyu only smiled. You began to walk off as the team left the room watching you leave. Ginyu was just continuously watching you with a warm smile.

And a snickering team.


As you walked back to you quarters, you felt Ajisa fall asleep onto you. You looked down to see his sleeping form. A small smile spread on your face. Soon you reached your quarters and laid him in his little bed to rest. You kissed his little forehead and stayed by his side for hours until he woke in a protective manner. Not wanting to leave your child's side.

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