Same Bullshit

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Oh my god, Absolutely nothing got better from last year. Sophomore Year was the worst year of my damn life. Corrine was a senior and it was her last year in high school. This was the last year I got to be with her and didn't want her leave. I was so distraught. I felt like a part of my heart just shriveled up to pieces. The only good that truly happened was I became friends and developed a crush on another girl. What's the funny part, She was also a blondie too (is it just me, or do I have an obsession with girls with blonde hair). Her name was Lillie and I knew I was going to like her. She was a Junior at the time. She was so sweet. I loved her and I told her I liked her a lot. I got advice from Emily, she told me "if you ever have a crush or anything else on someone, You should tell them, because you'll never know, maybe they'll surprise you". Any boy was I surprised. At that same moment when I told her I like, I asked her if she would allow me to take her to Homecoming. Homecoming was one of the big main dances before prom. I felt relief on when I asked her my question. What I didn't get relief from is the fact she said no. She said to me "I like you a lot but I'm not going to Homecoming". I completely understood her decision. I walked away, but she wanted to walk and drop me off at my 5th period class. I was sad but I was still happy at the same time, until My buddy Adam came to me and he told me that Lilly asked him out to go to Homecoming. I had never felt more of a bitch in my life. I wanted to cry so much for 2 reasons. 1 She was my crush, I wanted to take her out. 2, She lies to me and asked someone else behind my back. I was a damn fool to think that anyone would love me. After Adam told me that. I cried. I cried, and I cried and I cried. Shayla saw me in the hallway and she knew something was wrong. She had the best friend 6th sense. I told her what happen and Shayla grabbed my arm and made me come with her so she can go kick Lillie's ass. While walking down the hallway, She saw Lillie. She yelled out her name, dropped her backpack and was running like a mad bull at Lillie. While she was running, I grabbed her just in time before she got to Lillie. I was able to calm her down before she went to go kill the girl. I regret holding Shayla back. I wish I could have seen Lillie suffer. This had to be the worst time of my life. I was so distraught. And I'm still single. What on earth am I going to do. I promise myself in my junior year I would get myself a girl and bring her to prom. Maybe Junior year would be my year. I don't know, but all I know is, Being a Sophomore sucks.

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