Must Have Oil! (Part 3)

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Russia: Germany do you need oil.
Germany: Yeah!
Russia: Too bad you can't have any.
Germany: Fine, whatever.
Russia: Are you sure.
Germany: Yeah. I need that oil!
UK: Germany I heard you need oil.
USA: We have stolen from two other countries we can help you and we can have more.
France: So what weapon we will use.
USA: Let's use guns.
UK: Ok.
Germany: Come follow me. Russia give my damn oil.
Russia: No way.
USA: Hi.
Russia: I knew you will come. I have a thing to stop you.
UK: What is it.
Russia: Meet my lasted weapon.
France: That weapon is like Vodka.
Russia: Because it's a Vodka gun. Take this b*tch!

1 minute later...
USA: This feels nice.
Russia: No one is going to mess up my oil! *sings his national* while drinking Vodka.

Thank You For Reading.

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