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The snow crunched loudly underneath my boots, my shallow breaths visible as a small cloud appeared with every exhale, disappearing in the frigid winds. My hands were buried deep in my pockets, shoulders hunched forwards and my nose peeking just above the collar of my jacket.

I didn't feel the cold though; I wasn't aware of how painful my cheeks were, the cool winds nipping at the tip of my flushed nose and snow caressing my face with each gust of wind passing me. Everything was numbed out, pushed to the back of my mind.

 The passing teenagers whispering behind their backs weren't enough to pull me out of the haze, the worried glances they shot my way before huddling together barely registered at all. A humourless smile slipped on my face as I shook my head.

I must look awful, my hair wild, tussled and uncombed, my face flushed and eyes hiding underneath the dark rims I knew were there. My shoulders were hunched under an invisible weight and I hid underneath a jacket that normally clung tightly to my frame but was several sizes too big now.

My thumb rubbed over the worn leather sleeve, the familiar material soothing my angst, only just. I'd never part with this jacket, no matter how many times mother insisted to put on something that'll fit me better.

Compassionate and pitiful glances were thrown my way, words of encouragement spoken in hushed tones while gentle fingers hesitantly brushed over my shoulder before the fleeting touch disappeared.

I didn't react to them, I felt as if someone managed to stuff my head with cottons, numbing all my senses in the process. Brushing the last touch off, I walked away from my former friends, teachers and fellow students, letting my feet lead me away.

The wind brought the scent of the frigid winter, the crisp freshness burning my nostrils and irritating my already sensitive eyes. With the next gust of wind, I became aware of the cooling trail of tears on my cheeks, the moist droplets falling silently on the white blanket underneath my feet.

I was crying.


"Damn." I managed to rasp out, rubbing my hands furiously over my face to hide the tears but it was a wasted effort. The tears came, no matter how hard I fought against them before I just let them run over my face as I came to a halt. With a huff escaping my lips, I lowered myself to the snow and sat down, sighing as I rested my forehead against the frigid marble.

"Hey Bro'." I greeted softly, keeping my eyes closed for a moment as the wind swirled around me, making me believe that he greeted me in his own way. My hands shook slightly as I lifted my hips up, allowing my numb fingers to find the matches in my back pocket while I took my backpack and zipped it open.

"Got you something..." I murmured as I lit the match, protecting the small flame in my hands before lighting up the candle. "You won't believe how difficult it was to find this." I sighed whilst placing the glass on his spot, breathing  deeply to catch the fade scent of the scented candle, Devon's favourite.

"Green Tea, right? Its your favourite."

My voice broke off as I stared down at the cool marble reflecting me slightly before I lowered my head and hugged my knees, pulling them closer to my chest. Devon was supposed to pick me up after his class but never showed up. I had waited and waited before thinking he had been held back or something and went to search for him.

Devon would never ditch me, I knew that much. When I didn't find him, I called our parents and even now, when the whole community including our parents grew tired of waiting and searching, I still believed he was out there somewhere...breathing. Alive.

My eyes scanned the headstone until the paused at the date of death. Mom had decided to declare my brother dead after three years of fruitless searching and painful waiting. Three years where I hoped, prayed and begged that somehow, Devon would be okay. He didn't need to come back if he didn't want to; just...he had to be okay.

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