Auto Pilot

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You can never be too sure about anything around you

You're imagination is capable of more than you can.. Well, imagine.

Throughout your whole life, your perspective of imaginative things lose it's touch. You think it's turned off, but really it's on Auto Pilot.

Let me explain...

If you driving in your car or walking on the sidewalk after it rains...

Watch your surroundings. Have you ever seen that one mysterious but vivid puddle along the side of the road but once you approach it -or so it seems you've had- it had vanished?

That's your imagination on auto control. You don't even realize the control and power your mind has.

It can be a wonderful or dangerous thing.

You see, your brain is like an absorbent sponge. Whatever you watch, listen to, hear, etc, affects of what your brain's imagination provokes.

For example, listen to lots of positive things, watch spirit-lifting movies or just listen to Nirvana. There's no danger there. Your mind can process unreal images such as a tree or a bird that's not there. Something peaceful and relaxing.

Let's pretend you watch lots of horror movies and read scary novel readings. Your brain absorbs the info and paranoia from the thoughts and processes fake images of dangerous things. Dark shadows, mysterious figures, demons, etc.

I know this as a fact, because I experience it. It's horrific.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2014 ⏰

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