Escape--Chapter 1

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This is a new thing I've been writing, or trying to. It's sort of an Action Adventure Paranormal Romance. Comments? :)


Chapter 1

I went down to the well to get some water. My mother told me to go, I was nervous about leaving her alone. I was her only caretaker and the town was not very accepting of her. It would not be surprising to find someone trying to kill her. Crazy people, unfortunately, are not welcomed in this town; they do not fit in.

My mother hears voices and sees things that are not there. She tries to harm herself, as well as me, her own daughter. I wish my stepfather was still around-God bless his soul. My mother was able to function with him here. He died going into war. No one knows what they were fighting, but he died fighting it.

I rushed back to our little one room house with a large bucket of water in my hands. It feels lighter than usual. "Mum, no!" I find her on the floor with a stab wound to her heart. It looked a candle jutting out from a birthday cake. I could see other, less deep gashes in her chest. Her entire chest was cut up and bloody; the house wreaked of blood, and I was sure the wood floor would never lose its newfound red tint. I immediately dropped to the floor and pulled it out. Even if that wasn't the best thing to do, she could not going wandering around with a knife sticking out of her chest. I grabbed a towel and started to stop the bleeding. "Why did you do this?"

"He told me to do it, the voice." She gasped.

"Where am I going to go now?" I sobbed.

" with Toby." My mother pleaded. "You have my blessing for marriage, although it does not mean much."

Toby was my-gag-fiancé. He was twice my age and had maybe half the brains, if not less. Toby was the most conceited and vile man in town. "Him? Mum, please, he's such a prick!"

"Do not talk about him that way!" She snapped. "There is...something I want you to know...about...your father."

"Yes?" I begged. I had never met my real father; mother said he ran off before I was born.

"His name is..." She was losing consciousness "P-Peter Kinsley."

"Who is that?" I shook her, trying to keep her alive. "Don't go!"

"Good-bye, my love. Be a good girl, Scarlet." Then she was gone.

I cried over her dead body for a while, the bloody knife still in my hand. "What are you doing?" demanded a male voice from behind me.

I turned to look at him. "My mother just died." I whimpered.

"Yeah, 'cause you killed her."

I was confused for a moment. "What?" I said. Then I realized how bad it looked-me, leaning over my dead mother holding a knife in my fist. Murder was a very serious crime in our town of Lesser Hallows, punishable by being burned alive. That was a fate I was not willing to meet. I was not about to be punished for a crime I never committed. "No, you have got the wrong idea." I said firmly as I slowly stood up. "She did this to herself."

"Maybe, yeah, she deserved it, but who are you to decide how to punish your mother?" Mr. Fletcher growled.

There was the silence as Mr. Fletcher and I stared at each other down. "You are going to have to come with me." He said in a scratchy voice. He must be smoking at least two bundles of cigarettes everyday now. He was one of those rich, old men that lived in our town-he was the police chief.

"No." I said.

"Come on now, Miss Scarlet." Mr. Fletcher grabbed a hold of my wrist.

"Get off me!" I screeched. I peeled his hand off my wrist with ease...much easier than I would have thought possible. I used a little too much effort to get him off, as I was not expecting it to be so simple, and he fell to the ground.

His hand flew to his holster. "I'm going to shoot that little bitch."

The words were his, but his lips did not move at all.

"Put the gun down!" I screamed in my head. As if he had heard me, the gun wavered. I tried it again. "Put down the bloody gun!" It went a little lower down again, until it was pointed at my heart rather than my forehead. I visualized slapping his arm down.

Mr. Fletcher suddenly squealed in pain as his arm was being wrenched down by an invisible force. I took the opportunity of his pain to start running. I headed quickly for the lift that would get me out of Lesser Hallows and onto the ground above.

Apparently, the town had been alerted of my "murder" and escape, so they were all chasing after me with their torches, guns, and other sharp objects.

I saw Toby in the front of the mob carrying a pitchfork; obviously he was not as fond of me as he had let on. "I love you, Scarlet!" he shouted. Did he really think chasing his fiancée with a pitchfork expressed his love for me? Idiot.

I quickly got on the lift. It was simply a pulley system; I pulled myself as quickly as possible. It seemed to be much simpler than I had thought it would be-I thought my arms would be giving out, or I would not be able to pull myself up at all. Someone flung their torch at me, and it lit the lift-which was made up of wood-on fire. I had fifty feet or so left to pull. I avoided the spreading flames until I could feel the flames through my shoes. I jumped off the scorched wood and inched my way up using the rope. I never remembered myself having this much strength.

I saw people climbing up behind me-I inched faster. Finally, I reached the top. I pulled myself over the edge and started off running. I sprinted through the large plains looking for any place to hide. There was nowhere. "God!" I cried to myself. I could hardly breathe; my life would come to a terrible end in a few minutes.

There was a forest maybe half a mile away. I considered my two options: Die here, or die running to potential safety. I took my chances and bolted off through the tall grass.

My heart stopped when I heard people behind me. I wanted to stop-my legs hurt so badly. But I could not die, I was going to keep running and survive.

After such a long while I reached the forest. I ran through the amber colored trees. I picked a rather large one and pressed up against it. I peeked out at my followers; they were getting closer by the second. I had to find a better hiding spot...

Just then, a hand clamped down over my mouth.

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