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Wes's POV

Adrienne keeps ditching out to go do things with Drew. Yesterday he took her to the beach and the day before they went to the mall. I don't know why it bugs me this much. I mean I don't why I'm this protective. Drew's a good guy so I know I'm being rude, but I worry about her. She's just so good, and I know how he is with girls.

"Wes!" Adrienne pulled me out of my own thoughts.

"What? Huh?" I asked.

"I wanted to know if we were still going to dinner?" she asked.

"Why? You gotta hot date with Drew later?" I asked back.

"No!" she groaned. "We are friends Wes and I don't get why you're treating me like a child!"

"Well you're acting like one!" I snapped.

"What's that even supposed to mean?" she asked.

"You're just running around doing whatever you want and you dyed your hair pink." I shrugged. "Does your mom know about that ticket you got? Since you got here you aren't even the same person!"

"Well maybe I'm happy to be different Wes! No one even liked me before so it doesn't matter now does it, and if you think I'm just doing whatever I want maybe I won't stay here tonight!" she yelled.

"Oh, you gonna run and stay with Drew?" I shouted standing up and closing the distance between us.

"Maybe I will!" she yelled not backing down.

"Maybe you should!" I yelled back.

She looked down at her feet then back at me with tears in her eyes. "Cool, I'll just go then." she shrugged. "Not like I care."

She started to walk away and I felt bad. I knew her parents fought a lot and this probably wasn't the best way to treat her. I felt like an asshole. "Adrienne wait?" I said.

"No Wes you wait! I didn't come her to be treated like shit. I get enough of that at home. So just do me a favor and get away from me right now." she snapped slamming her door, no doubt to pack a bag and call Drew. I suck!

Adrienne's POV

I slammed clothes into a bag and dialed Drew's number. I felt tears threatening to spill over but I held them in. Wes gave up trying to talk me out if leaving and went to his room slamming the door. I'm not sure where Keaton went but he's defiantly not home.

"What's up?" Drew answered his phone.

"Can you come get me and take me to a hotel please?" I asked sounding scared I'm sure.

"What's wrong Adrienne?" he asked.

"I'll tell you just please come get me." I begged.

Within ten minutes I was seated in the passenger seat of Drew's car. He was driving and no donut waiting for my explanation. "You wanna talk about it?" he sighed finally.

"Wes and I got into an argument and it just made me think of my dad." I told him. "My parents don't exactly have a great relationship,and I just hate when people fight."

"I'm so sorry." he said looking over at me.

"It's fine." I sighed.

"Was the fight about me?" he asked carefully.

I thought about lying but there was no point. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry Adrienne." he said again.

"Drew I'm fine. Like I said, I just hate fighting." I said. Then I noticed we weren't heading to a hotel. "Where are we going?"

"You can stay with me. I have plenty of room, and you shouldn't waste money on a crappy hotel room." Drew waved a hand.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive. Plus I wanna tell you something and it's kind of a long story." he nodded.

I leaned against the cool window and watched as he drove. He had his window cracked so his tousled hair was moving in the wind. I smiled letting my eyes wander down his toned arms. He pulled into the lot and shut off his car.

"If you're done checking me out we can go inside now." he winked making me blush hardcore.

"I was admiring your tattoos." I lied smoothly.

"Sure." Drew laughed carrying my bag for me.

I wonder what he needs to tell me. I hope that it's got something to do with why him and Wes aren't exactly on the best of terms right now. I've noticed they're pretty hostile. Maybe I'll get some answers from Drew though, because I'm sure as hell not getting them from Wes.

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