damn. im doing this.

22 3 1

Thanks so much nerds_are_cool_666 (note the sarcasm) I think I did this wrong tho..... 😂

1. I'm black! Whooooooooo!!

2. I'm a loner

3. I do hair (reallyyyy good)

4. I have an unhealthy addiction to the couple Malec 😍❤❤💕

5. I sUCK at having proper conversations

6. I'm awkward asf

7. I'm lazy asf

8. I once apologized to a teacher for being lazy asf... Then went ahead to be even more lazy asf in his class

9. Idk what to put in this

10. I eat a lotttt

11. I am still a fan of one direction and I always will be. Like I'm a HUGEEEE fan of them.

13. I can't juggle.

14. I love Matthew daddario

15. I missed #12 because I saw something like this on the internet

16. I have no one to tag so I'll just tag random ass people 💕😘

Here goes it:







Okay thennn.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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