Especially MY Girl....

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Hehe im backk!! Sorry it took forever #Grounded



JAs: S-sure...

I have no clue what the stupid little motherfucker wanted with me but i swear to god if he tries anything i will cut this bi-

Jus: can you please tell me what happened?

Jas: wait.... what?

Jus: i have no clue what happened at all. I remeber the dinner with Bre-

Jas:Which wasnt so pleasant...

Jus: going to my room-

Jas: Getting higher thsn the empire state...

Jus: and thats it.....

Jas: Oh, you skipped the part that you stabbed me infront of _____.....

Jus: can you please tell me what happened with that... please?

I sigh and tell him the story..


After seeing the bloody mark on ____ face, i was done with this kid. Who does he think he is? You dont hit girls. Especially MY girl.

I grabbed a knfe from inside the sink and jogged my way up the stairs. If that bitch wants to hit a girl then he should have no problem trying to hurt me.

I slammed open his bedroom door where i saw him laying on the bed acting like he was king. I set the knife on the table and went up to him and fhre him on the floor. I heard _____ running into the room screaming at me to stop. I kicked Justin in the stomach as hard as i could and grabbed his collar and brought him close to my face. His face said it all. He really wanted me to be killed. I whispered to him

"You think your big? Hitting a poor girl just because your a fuck up? For that, you can burn in hell-

I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I look down and see a knife half way inside me. Justin's hand holding it in place. I heard _____ shreiks fill the air. i fell to my knees. I felt another, very strong pain go through my chest. I fell to the ground in pain. Justin, enjoying every bit of it, dragged me into his bathroom and threw me inthe tub.the last thing i heard...

He came to my ear and whispered "The only thing going back to hell is you, ghost."

*End of flashback*

Jas: Annd i woke up and boom, i was once again, a ghost

Justin was starring at me in complete shock. Like he just saw a ghost or something. Ha, i kid, i kid.


*******kay sorry for any mistakes made, im doing this all from my phone at 4:30 in the morning





A Ghostly Kind of Love~Justin Bieber&Jason McCann Ghost Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now