"Danielle Stevens? " A girl wearing a light pink nightgown covered in dry blood stood up. "Hi Danielle I'm your doctor Dr.Stacy do you talk Danielle?" The girl slowly looked up, this is the first time the doctor actually saw they girls face and he was horrified the dry blood that was on her dress led up her neck and all around her mouth. "I -I had to do it th-they wouldn't fees me I was so hungry and they just wouldn't feed me." Dr. Stacy looked down at her clipboard seeing the reason the girl was in the institution she had killed and eaten her Foster parent. "Nurse can we give Danielle a gown a sponge bath- "he turned around and looked at her "and some food."

"But dinner is over and breakfast isn't for another 4 hours doctor."

"Just do what I said nurse! No Danielle -"

"Call me Danny!" She cut him off

"Danny follow the nurse she will give you what you need have a good night and I will see you

in the morning." As soon as Danielle walked out Dr.Stacy turned around to someone sitting at the front desk "I swear these people get crazier and crazier."

"Maybe it's just because you don't visit the real world enough doc." Dr Stacy chuckless "But is it me or did that girl look really familiar? "

"I dont knw what your talking about she's been in foster care all her life because her parents were in prision at least thats what i heard." The lady at the desk looks confused " All of her paperwork was lost long ago no one even knows her name nor do they know why she calls herself danny Stevens, but i guess thats my job to find out right?" Dr.Stacy said with a distrot look on his face.

"Your one brave man Stacy just make sure you feed her plenty." The woman laughs

The next day

"Good morning Danie- Danny how are you today?" She sat there with her head down staring at a bug saying nothing. "Danny are you ready for breakfast?" Her head shot up and she licked her lips as soon she did so her stomach let out a big growl. You could tell she was still starving from living in that home. Her skin stuck clentched to her, bones her hip and colar bones intensly popped out of her body, and her rib cages and spine were easily visable through her gown. Dr.Stacy took a phone out of his pocket typed someting up really quick and within two minutes two breakfast plates were in the room he took th plates from the nurse and gave them both to Danny who imidietly dug in."So Danny can I ask you a few questions?" Without looking up from her food she nodded." How old are you?" She held up seven fingers. "How do you know this?" She lets out a burp.

"Because thats what the man who brings me to new homes says he says once i turned two i startd getting a new home for every year i was born.." She pauses " How long am i gon stay at this home?"

"I-I ont know sweet heart."

"I hope it's for a long time i like it here i get a comfy bed and food plus i dont have to share a room with anyone else." Dr. Stacy just looked down at the floor he didnt have the heart to tell the lttle girl the truth about the situation. "Ok so neext queston has your name always been Danielle Stevens?" She took asip of her apple then just sat there." Danielle can you answer the question?"

" Am i the only one in this home cuz its really big there has to be more peoples right cuz i like to have friends just as long as i dont have to share my room with them cuz dont like that expetially when they snore that's super anoy-"

"Danny please answer the question. If you do ill answer yours." 

"Fine no it hasnt always been my name but it is now now answer my question."

"Yes , there are other people in this "home" but you will not be able to see them until yout theropy sention is over and i determine when that is do you understand ?" Danny noded " So why do ou call yourself that?"

" I  won't say  I WON"T DO IT I WON'T I WON'T I WON'T!" After she screamed she turned over and layed down in a ball and started crying. Dr.stacy stood up and walked out.

Dr.Stacy's P.O.V.

As soon as I step out of the room I step out I lean my back against the wall and think to myself " I've never had to deal with somone so young an innocent before the closest I've ever been was-" A lightbulb goes off in my head I stand up and go back into the room that has a no longer crying Danielle. "Danny I have someone I'd like you to meet I think the two of you will be good friends.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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