Chapter Six: Celestial Spirit World

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(Y/N)'s POV

Lis, Shiki, and I were in the Celestial Spirit World to start training. I was sitting in our room thinking about how the guild handled our "deaths" but I can't seem to forget the look Mira gave us when we left.


We were on the train to start the job. It was an easy job all we had to do was defeat some monsters that had been terrorizing a small village on the outskirts of Fiore. We were sitting on the train quietly and Shiki was sleeping in my arms. I looked at Mira to see her looking at me. I raised an eyebrow as she opened her mouth. She closed her mouth as nothing came out.

"If you have something to say, say it," I said looking out the window. I heard her sigh as she looked down.

"Are you sure this is what you really want to do? You can train in secret and then prove them wrong at the S-Class trials." Mira said hopefully. I sighed and looked at her with a look of sadness. I looked to Lis who was looking down as well.

"I wish it was that easy. But it's not, we need more than three months to get to where we want. Besides, that's one day in the Celestial Spirit World." Mira looked down and sighed as she covered her eyes with her hand so we wouldn't see her crying. I grabbed her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers. Lis grabbed her other hand and did the same thing. She looked up at us as the tears streamed down her face.

"We still have a few days with each other, so let's make it count!" Lis said happily. Mira wiped her tears and smiled. She nodded as she and Lis started a conversation. I looked out the window and noticed that we were almost there. The train stopped and we got off starting to walk to the village. As we were walking I felt like someone was following us. I stopped walking which caused the group to stop as well. I looked around and then shrugged. I started walking again but couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was following us.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Shiki asked as he was standing beside me in his human form. I shook my head and continued to walk.

"Nothing just seeing things," I said as we continued to walk. I heard a twig snap and I stopped walking. I looked to where I heard the twig snap.

"Is something wrong?" Mira asked as she walked towards me. I shook my head and looked away. I continued to walk when we finally made it to the village and were greeted by two adults.

"You are the Fairy Tail wizards right?" The man asked. We smiled and nodded. They motioned for us to follow them. We followed them and looked around. There seemed to be many people looking at us. As we were walking they started to tell us about the monsters that were attacking the village. We nodded and hummed telling them that we were listening. They told us where they were hiding. We nodded and waved bye as we started to walk to where the monsters were hiding. We get there to see three big furry monsters. I sighed as Mira easily beat them. I looked around to see a bunch of smaller ones surrounding us. Mira easily took them out as well. She transformed back to her normal self smiling.

"That was easy. I haven't done that in a while." She giggled. We laughed at that and started back to the village. We walked in and they all looked shocked.

"You guys are already done?" The woman asked. We nodded and declined the money. We started to walk back to the train station. About halfway there, Lis, Shiki, and I stopped. Mira slowed down and looked at us. She sighed as tears came to her eyes. She tackled us in a hug as she started to cry more.

"I can't believe that you guys are actually gonna go through with this." She said as she cried into our shoulders.

"This may be the last time we see you for a while but we won't be gone forever. And we won't age so the next time you see us we will still be 19 and 17" I said as we hugged her tighter. She nodded and pulled away. As she pulled away we started to glow gold. "We'll Miss You, Mira," I said as tears streamed down my face. She nodded as she tried to bite back a sob. She waved and with that, we disappeared into the light. We opened our eyes to see we were in the Celestial Spirit World.

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