Chapter 1: Accidental Eavesdrop

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Kon'nichiwa minna!! I HAVE ANOTHER BOOK YIPEE! Sorry for any grammatical errors and wrong spellings, enjoy!

Tenma's POV

     The school has finished and its time for us to go home! As i was walking to the school gate to go out, I just suddenly felt that something bad is going to happen. So, i just went to the soccer grounds to relax. But then..

     "*sigh*, Tenma is my friend but i feel like i am starting to get annoyed with him, i mean, he's always just happy-go-lucky soccer here, soccer there! but i think he's just annoying. And i feel like as if i am starting to hate him a little bit! I dont even know he knows the word 'sorrow!'" Shindou said. Starting a converstion with the group (A/N: with the exception of Shinsuke and Aoi, They are waiting at the school gate for Tenma)

     I never expected him to talk like that. I just misheard it right? He doesnt hate me right? Maybe i am wrong, but then everyone nodded to shindou, it broke my heart, i thought we were friends. i guess this is how world is, people act like as if they were your friends, but they werent.
     "You're right Shindou, i know, he's our friend, but i think he is just so stupid, thinking as if the world is just happy things and happy things, he needs to realize that the world can be cruel too, not just rainbows and cupcakes and happy things! It just drives me mad in the inside  even hear him still being cheery in a depressing situation!" Kirino-senpai said, agreeing to shindou.

     I cannot believe this is happening.. I really thought they were friends, i guess they are right. How stupid of me!

     "Tsk, heh, I just hate him, that soccer-freak, always being naïve, happy-go-lucky I hate people like that! They just annoy the hell outta me! It makes me want to punch him in the face!" Tsurugi said. Or more like spat.

     What Tsurugi said broke and hit me like a truck, what he said hurt me more than Shindou-senpai and Kirino-senpai! I mean we're not close! But tsurugi! 'I thought he was my bestfriend! I guess not..' I thought as i sobbed. (A/N: Uhh, dont mind me being confusing, but i just love being like that!)

     Third person's POV

     Tears threatened to fall down from the brunet's eyes as he witnessed his so-called friends talk about him like that. He shook as he broke from his friends,

     But suddenly, he just could not take it all anymore. He passed the school gate, passing both of his bestfriends, "Tenma!" The brunet's best friend called, But he just ran as fast as he can with tears falling down from his eyes.

     'All of this is just a dream right? A nightmare? Right?' The brunet thought. Unfortunately, this is reality. People just sometimes come to you acting as if they are your friend, but in reality, they hate you, they just use you.

     Tears streamed down his eyes, he did not care that people looked at him, looking like this. he doesn't care about anything at all right now. All he just wants right now is just to lay down his bed and not think about anything at all.

     He did not want thid to happen, he believed that this is not real, that everything will just work out fine, but it will not.

     He arrived at the manor and entered. He tried to put up a facade, hoping that they will not notice that he's broken.

     "Hi sasuke! Aki-nee, I'm back!"
He said, trying to fool them by acting happy, but failed to. "Tenma, welcome back, did anything happen? You looked like as if you cried, you rarely cry. Tell me what happened." Aki told tenma, but tenma replied with a-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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