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 "Come on Carmella if you want me to drive you to school you better hurry up," said my mom bringing me back into reality." You know for being 15 you should start being more responible"

"Okay mom I'll me down in a second," I said as I stuffed last nights homework into my baby blue backpack.

As I was making my way down the stairs I noticed that my mom was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of faded jeans.

"Well" I said ''It looks like your taking the day off."

''No I'm just going in late."

 "Oh" I mumbled as I grabbed a granola bar and a bottle of water from the fridge.

The car ride to school seamed relay short, but I had so many things going on in my mind I didn't even care.

"Bye mom'' I said as I grabbed my backpack from the back seat.

"Bye Carmella have a good day at school today" she said as I got out of the car.

"Ya, sure" I said as I walked up the stairs to the schools front doors.

"Hey!!" Angel yelled behind me and gave me a little push, waking/scaring me up from my daydream.

"God Angle, did you have to scare me like that!!!"

"Yes, yes I did"she giggled.

"Well that's wonderful, and I would just love to be early for class, so lets hurry up."

"Alright, alright" she said through giggles.

"Hey Carmella" said Tom, Angles brother.

"Oh, hey."

"Tom get out of here" said Angle, "and stop looking at Carmella like that its starting to make me sick"

I couldn't stop myself from laughing at what angle said, witch a carouse caused Tom to blush bright red but when he noticed I was looking at him he leaned agents the front door of the school and tried look cool.

"Well" i said "I don't want to be late for class."

"OK then" said Tom opening the front door to the school and singling with his hand for us to go threw "lady's first."

"Thanks'' I mumbled, and walked threw.

"Omg" Angel whispered "look whose waiting for you by your locker."

I didn't even need to look to know that it was Taylor standing there, I griped the strap on my backpack like it was a life line and made for my locker.

"See you in science" I yelled over my shoulder to Angel she nodded then made her way to her locker.

"Hey" Taylor said "whats up?''

"Ummmm just grabbing some books from my locker then heading to science, why?"

"I don't know I was just dieing to talk to you.''

"Oh" I mumbled " so what have you been up to?"

"Stuff" he muttered.

"What kind of stuff?"

"Oh you know stuff."'

"Are you relay not going to tell me what you've been up to?"

"Listen I would tell you if I could, but I cant alright."

"Fine'' I muttered and stuffed all the books I would need in til lunch into my backpack. " Hey do you think you can wast some of your precious time sitting with me and your old friends at lunch today?"

"I cant" he whispered,

I didn't even respond I just walked away. I half ran half jogged to class so I wouldn't be late and I made it right on time with a minuet to spare.

"Nice'' I whispered to myself, as i sat next to Angel and took my science book and notebook out of my backpack along with my pencil pouch.

"So" said Angel ''how did it go?"

"I don't want to talk about it, or to that low life jerk"I said.

"Wow that bad?"

"Ya I'll tell you everything after school."

"Wow if it relay went that bad I'm surprised I didn't hear yelling all the way down the hall."

"ha ha very funny."

"Oh I know right,"

"Alright class" said Mr. Trigs "get out your science books and turn to the review chapter on page twenty, now I want you to read the review then write a two page report on what you reviewed, and it's due tomorrow if you don't finish it today."

This is going to be easy, I thought, its about volcanoes. I could write a four page report on volcanoes if I felt like it.

Science went by in a blur, I read page twenty and did my two page report in class and was the first one to turn it in. Even thought Mr. Trigs read my report to himself then graded it for me with an approving look then turned to me and said "Good job Carmella," then handed me my report back. I got an A+ "yes" I thought to myself " another A+ paper to send my dad." Then just as I was about to sit back down the bell rang so I closed my science book and note book along with my pencil pouch and stuffed it in my book bag.

"Off to English," I muttered to myself as I walked down the hall.

"Oh hey Carmella," said Tom.

"Nice" I thought to myself, "just what I need."

"Hey Tom listen I'm kind of in a hurry to get to English class."

"Oh, okay catch you later," he said.

I waved goodbye then made for English class, and when I got there a bunch of people were walking out.

"Hey" I said to some dude that I've seen in class before, "Why is everybody walking out of class."

"Didn't you hear our English teacher got a flat tire and won't be here til the afternoon."

"Oh", I muttered "thanks.''

"No prob."

What am i suppose to do now because it looked like everyone was just going to their lockers or talking to their friends.

"Hey" said Taylor.

Oh no I totally forgot that Taylor and I are in the same English, shoot what I'm i going to do now, because I'm still mad at him you know what I'm just going to let him come over here just so I can flick him off in sigh language. My cousin thought me a few words that relay describe him right now, so i hope he doesn't know sigh language.

" Hello earth to Carmella" he said.

"Whatever" I said and walked away, but not before I could call him a couple choice words in sign language.I was so mad at Taylor I didn't know where I was going in til I got there, I ended up walking to the trophy case that's right by my locker. I looked inside and saw pictures of the father daughter dance and finally realized why I was on edge today, today is my dads fifth year in the army. I've only seen him a couple times sense I was ten, and  I would get a phone call every month or two. Now I felt like a big jerk for being so mean to Taylor, being rude to Tom, and getting ticked of at Angel even thought she thought I was messing around. Well I knew what I had to do I had to man up and deal with the fact that every other girl in school had a dad to go to all that father daughter crap that I never would be able to go to.

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