Chapter 1

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I lay awake staring at the alarm clock. No matter how hard I studied, how many shifts I worked, these past few weeks had been torture. I was exhausted. I couldn't stop worrying about how I'd pay tuition, make rent, eat. And to top it off my Mac Book had died which meant loaning out a slow old laptop from the university library to write my essays.
The sleep deprivation was bit by bit eating away parts of my soul. I couldn't dance so stripping wasn't an option, escorting seemed like something you could get sucked into time and time again. And that date had put me for off for life. Never again. I felt desperate for a quick fix to my cash flow crisis. I wasn't pretty enough or tall enough to model so that wasn't an option. What could I do once that could make me enough money to pay my tuition fees and hopefully a little extra to help with bills and rent?

I pulled myself out of bed and sat at the small old desk that stood infront of the only window in my attic room and opened the old laptop which cast light across my pathetic damp filled bedroom. I brought up a fresh page and entered Google in the search bar. Everything I had searched before only brought up porn or escort websites.

Make $10,000 in one hour

It seemed like a ridiculous thing to search for. I hit enter and waited for more porn or escort sites to appear. They did but as I scrolled down the page I noticed a site called The Voyuerist Club - actors needed. No experience required, fee from $10,000.

I clicked on the website and briefly scanned the home page.

Every Friday watch new couples make love in front of an audience. Watch art and sex collide.

I had never heard of anything like this. So people got off on watching strangers have sex! I scrolled further down and there it was, a button Actors Needed ASAP. It took me through to a further page outlining the needs and expectations.

A minimum of $10,000 to be earned. Anonymity guaranteed. No porn actors, escorts, prostitutes of any kind starting from $10,000 a session. Call now.

So they were paying that much money just for someone to have sex in front of strangers. And no one would know my identity. There must be a catch. I scrolled further down the page.

Actors matched for optimum pleasure

STD tests to be taken in advance. We take sexual safety very seriously.

Enquire now by sending recent full body and profile photo to David at 0795 435 6572.

I searched though the photos on my phone. Were they looking for bikini shots or just normal clothed ones? They didn't say anything about near nudity. I found a nice full body photo of me in a park and a selfie I had taken one night. I thought they looked pretty good. Oh god was I really considering this? I looked up and saw my favourite quote framed on my desk.

Be brave take risks nothing can substitute experience

I was fed up of being poor, of struggling. I'd sacrificed everything to do my degree. To pack it all in now in my last year would mean they had won and I couldn't let that happen. Besides you read about girls doing lap dancing, escorting and more to pay tuition. This would be once and hopefully with someone attractive. I could keep my eyes closed. No one would know it was me. How much experience did you need to have? I checked the website which didn't refer to it. Well I'd done it a few times nothing mind blowing but I knew the ropes right?

I attached the photos to the text message.
Hi David, found your website. I'm interested. What do you need from me? Isabelle

I hit send, closed the laptop and got back into bed. The electric heater had died again and no matter how many notes I had left Terry my landlord he had ignored me. This place was a shit hole. The house was rife with damp and decay and the tenants came and went as frequently as the mice. But it was all I could afford.

My phone beeped and a message appeared from the number I had texted.

Hi Isabelle, thanks for getting in touch. Great photos, you look perfect. I have someone in mind to match you with. Can you come by the club tomorrow to talk? D

My tummy filled with butterflies. He was serious. I had work at the cafe tomorrow but I could go there beforehand. I opened up the laptop which took ages to fire up and checked the address. It was three blocks from work, perfect.

I could come by before work around 10am? Thanks Isabelle

Perfect I'll be doing some work in the office. I can show you around and go through some paperwork with you.

His tone was so casual as if I was meeting a friend for coffee.

Sounds good. Do I need to bring anything with me?

No just your beautiful self :)

Ok not so friendly more like weird. What if this was just a trap for trafficking girls or for a pimp. Suddenly the whole idea seemed very stupid and dangerous.

Will anyone else be there? My match perhaps?

I hoped I wasn't giving away my concern.

My assistant Lydia. Don't worry we're not going to kidnap you! I just need to check that I'm talking to the real Isabelle and to check you understand what you are getting yourself into. It can be allot of fun and a great way to earn some extra cash but it's important you understand the club rules. Anyway get some beauty sleep and we will see you tomorrow at ten.

What did he mean by the club rules? Fine I felt a bit better that a woman would be there. I'd text Niki the address and tell her to call after an hour. If I didn't pick up she'd been instructed to call the police. We always did this for dates. Well more for her. I didn't have the time to have a social life or the money. She'd be thrilled and want to know all the gory details but I'd have to come up with a very good back story.

My stomach grumbled loudly sending the all too familiar hunger pains shooting around my abdomen. Another night without dinner. I'd almost got used to going without. I curled myself into my preferred foetal position to try and halt the pain. When this was over I'd dam well make sure I never felt hungry again.

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Authors Notes:

I would be really grateful if you could help me improve this chapter but giving me your thoughts and letting me know there is more information you would like about Belle.

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