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(Warning: Harsh Language...however, nothing explicit to take this story into Rated R territory.)                  

     Those three girls were so cool! I especially liked Savanna; she was reminding me of a girl version of Connor. Savanna knew what she wanted and got it. Though, I must admit that signing her chest area was rather bizarre. I love loyal followers! They give me life and they’re the reason I get up in the morning, to be perfectly honest.  Now, Con-rad didn’t seem as jazzed as me after that experience. I reminded  him,  “Hey, those fans of ours were brave enough to walk up to us and greet us. I think it’s amazing that we’ve become inspirations in their lives. It’s not everyone who gets to be as successful as we are.” Connor shrugged me off and snatched the keys to his car from my hands,

                        “Let’s just go. I’ve had enough, Richard. Our mall adventure should’ve been for us.  That wasn’t a meet-and-greet. Some creeps need to learn the importance of respect and personal space.” As he started the car, I put my head down wondering what to do next. Almost impulsively, I pulled out my phone and started posting the pics we’ve taken with Savanna and her friends on Twitter, with the hashtag #muchlove. Then, I followed it all up with a simple tweet saying…


@RickyPDillon --

Shopping with @ConnorFranta, when we stumbled upon new friends! #foundRicky #MuchLove.


                          I figured forcing Congelina Jolie to be part of the experience would make him re-consider, but it turned out to just push his buttons even more! Haha. When we stopped for gas, Connor checked Twitter as he parked his car. Immediately,  he  went red with rage, like a Voltorb about to blow. Because, I went to the restroom at the convenience store while Connor filled up, I didn’t know that he drove off, leaving me to wait for public transportation. ALL BY MYSELF. That boy and his temper tantrums, El-oh-El. I texted him asking him what was wrong and why he saw the need to run off without me. No answer came from him, so I assumed he was out somewhere being difficult. Haha, not my problem. Let’s be real, Constant Chaos has always been a hot mess. This has happened countless of times, and it’s just not a big deal.

                         Coming home, I saw that JC and Kian were back, as both were lounging in the living room with the Playstation. I waved at them before asking,

                         “I thought you two were at Nash’s?” I sat down on the couch across from JC. He finished off his can of Keystone Light before answering,

                         “Damn, it was fun, but it was time to be home. Besides, my name is on  the lease. I can’t just walk out. Besides, Wishbone here needed somewhere more familiar. Isn’t that right, baby?” He nuzzled his face with the dog’s as I laughed.  Hurray for those two being OK! I love it when my friends are in good spirits! It’s so excruciating at times when everyone’s not getting along, because, HELLO, we’re all supposed to be best friends! Besties don’t have silly drama, like that is so uncool. I know that people expect us to be unified and I think it could be obvious to some when we’re all doing our own thing. My good vibes lasted until Kian suddenly said,

                       “Is The Bitch still on her period?” My heart sunk. I mean, l love Kian and I definitely love Connor, so it hurts me that people still have to bring up the argument. Like, it happened last night! I’m already over it, and so should they.

                       “Oh, Kiki. Don’t be a negative Nancy, it’s bad for the complexion. You already have perfect skin, hun.” I playfully rubbed the back of my hand on Kian’s cheek for emphasis. Suddenly, JC said,

                        “When isn’t she on her period? Did you see that fag’s face last night when he saw the dog shit on his bedsheets? I swear, someone should’ve recorded that. It was like his first time bottoming.” He snickered as he held Wishbone high up in the air. “Good boy, WIshbone. You played your part well.” That was when I interrupted JC with a question that has been lingering on my mind.

                        “Wait, that wasn’t an accident? You wanted your dog to do his business in Connor’s room?” After I asked my question, JC winked at Kian. I shook my head in disappointment. Those two were both in on it!
                        “You guys! That wasn’t very nice! Call him up now and apologise.” I took Kian’s phone and dialed Connor’s number right away. He pulled it back and hit the red button. He shook his head saying,

                        “ Think about the situation for a moment, Ricky.  Why would I apologise when I’m not sorry? Anyhow, why are you always defending that knobsucker? Every day we live with him is making me and JC miserable. Every day we’re forced to pretend to like him in all the videos is making all of us miserable. He’s no fun, too pretentious with his big vocabulary and snooty books, and lastly, he isn’t even that good-looking! Every day, no, every MINUTE I’m forced to spend time with him is bringing me closer to suicide. Ask anyone. You’re the only one who likes him, and frankly, I thought you had better taste than that.” My soul dropped to the ground a bit. Kian was right. It’s tiring having to live with Connor, because we’re all generally happy people, and Connor clearly thinks he’s better than all of us. Jc gave me a hug.

                        “Alright, here’s what we’re gonna do. I know we’re not assholes. So, let’s be humane about this. Ricky, since you’re friends with Connor, you should find a place for him to live. I mean, look at the benefits. We might ask Nash to move in with us...or even Sam! It’s gonna be a party here again and isn’t that what it’s all about? Connor hates us, so what better way to cut the tumor from our lives than to help him leave? It’s win-win. He gets his way and we get ours.” I know JC isn’t really the epitome of intelligence, but his plan made sense to me. Besides, I’m all about people winning! Charmander would be so proud.

Note: I hope you liked the chapter! I'd welcome any feedback, positive and negative. The next chapter coming up when I have more time.

Adventurous Ronnor (Ricky Dillon & Connor Franta Slash)Where stories live. Discover now