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After a week

Winwin's POV

Today's the day that I'll meet Yuta in person

And I'm not ready for it


It's because I feel ashamed of my face

I think, I'm not his type or whatever

I just sighed and shrugged it off and think about the positive side

I smiled and I looked at my watch and it shows that it's already 11:17 am

He's the one who decided that we'll meet in lunch so that we can have some mini date, that's what he said

I looked at my face on the mirror and I smiled at myself

'Get ready to see my face Yuta' I thought and smiled then went out of my house

I went to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive

After a few minutes, the bus arrived and I went inside the bus

After 15 minutes, I arrived at my destination

We decided that we'll meet at some fancy restaurant

I went inside and asked about the reservation that Yuta reserved for the both of us

The waiter led me to a table that is reserved for us

It was some sort of romantic table

I sat on the chair

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It was like that

I decided to have a selfie and post in my instagram while waiting for him

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