Chapter 3.

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Marie's Point of View

So after the truck with our stuff got here,we were unpacking like all day yesterday. I used most of my time in organizing my room and changing it every five minutes.

Thank God tho,I eventually made up my mind and decorated it exactly how I wanted it to be. My usual wooden desk was now near the window beside my bed. Wardrobes, mirrors were above my bed next to the huge unfinished boxes placed on the ground. I groan to myself thinking of all the unpacking I still need to do and walk into my new bathroom. It is simple and small, but also modern and really meticulous. Just how I like it.

Without considering it for a second I grab my brush out of the sink and start brushing my morning looking hair. Today I decided on some black jeans with a white vest top and a black leather jacket for my first day.

I'm not sure if I must be nervous or sad, because back in Hartford my friends are now getting ready for another normal day in school, whilst I'm freaking out here about my appearance. After finishing my hair, I brushed my teeth,tonned my eyes with some mascara (still not noticeable tho) and immediately stormed down the stairs.

My mother was already in the kitchen cooking breakfast 'cause as soon as I woke up, I could smell the browning bacon and the hideous smell of fried eggs. I hate eggs...

"Good morning sweetheart!" She says with her position turned to the oven, while I'm searching for the car keys in our new yet not finished living room.

"Morning mom. Have you seen the keys?" I ask raising every single couch pillow still searching.

"I think Fill left them on the table. Wait so you won't take breakfast? You need to eat something Marie it is your first day you'll need strength!" She adds nervously walking to the living room. She's wearing a cooking robe full of flour and underneath a loose fitting dress.

"I appreciate your concern mom, but I'm fine. I'm not hungry it's alright." I mumble grabbing the keys from the wooden coffee table,which used to be in my old house. (Did not see them before lol)

"What? But honey you can't stay like this the whole day, eat something. Do you want me to make you some pancakes? Maybe some bacon? I could-" She starts off, but I raise a finger to hush her.

"Mom. I'm okay. Seriously don't worry about it. Now... Where is Lisa we're going to be late!" I simply reply observing my mom's terrified look as her green eyes widen.

Did I say something wrong?

"Wait she's not ready yet? I thought she came down with you earlier. Lisa? Lisa!" My mother yells getting closer to the stairs.

"I'm here. God, just don't ever call me like that again!" Lisa's voice echoed in the room as me and mom observed her climbing down the wooden stairs.

She's wearing a black round skirt with a grey huge T-shirt, which was given to her by her total jock best friend and also a pair of black leather boots. This girl has an addiction for black stuff.

"Should we get going?" I ask starring at Lisa for an answer. She looked back in confusion as if her answer would change anything. Right.

"Alright then. Let's go!' I add grabbing my bag from the white square couch.

"You sure you don't want me to give you a ride? I mean I know where it is or Fill could-" She starts but I quickly cut her off replying fastly.

"No! It's fine really don't worry I saw it yesterday when you sent me for groceries. It's about five minutes drive from here so it shouldn't be a problem." I say moving near the grand door whilst Lisa is texting on her cellphone.

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