And now it begins

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After a while we talked and we because close friends. His name is Soul.I found out that he was in the war too.We soon started heading to the forest biome when I found a letter on the ground.It read"Sky we got Deadlox and we are planning to kill him.Try to save him.  from Squid". I dropped it and talk Soul what was up. He gradded the letter and we planned to try and find Deadlox.After hours of searching we found the portal,we geared up and just when we where about to head in Sky stopped us."WHAT ARE YOU DOING.AND GUYS HOW HAVE U BEEN."Sky yelled and hugged us.Soul showed him the letter."Wait here I'll be back in a few minutes."Sky said.We stood there for ten minutes then Sky came back with Bajan canadian,JeromeASF,TrueMU,Munchingbrotato,Huskymudkipz,and SSundee.

"Hey doods how you been?"Bajan Canadian asked us."Good."Soul and I both said at the same time.After we got all caught up we got made a plan to invade the squid base and save Deadlox."Ok.LEZZ GO."as Mitch said that he stormed in."WAIT MITCH!"I yelled but it was to late."Well we're doomed"Jerome sigh.We all nodded in agreement.

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