Chapter 1:

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Sitting on the driver seat, hands on the wheel and eyes focused on the road, I waited for the light to turn green. It was late at night and I was heading to my house.

Today was exauting, after passing a few tests, my friends and I decided to celebrate. We had a party at my best friend's, Sarah, but I didn't get drunk. It's still surprising how I've never got drunk before, and I'm not planning to do it anytime soon. Next year will be my last at college and I'll start working at a publishing house at Florida. Mark, who is my boyfriend, and I have decided to move there after our graduation.

Mark was nothing like me. He always gets drunk at parties and tonight was no other case. That's why he stayed the night at Sarah's with some friends.

Suddenly, the door of the passenger seat brust opened and a tall guy with black curly hair and brown eyes entred to the car without even asking for permission. He threw two huge bags at the back seat and shut the door closed. Only then did I notice that he was wearing all black; a black leather jacket, black pants, black shoes and even black gloves.

Who wears gloves in this time of the year? This is spring for God's sake!

He glanced at the back seat anxiously.

Wait! What the fuck was he doing in my car? 

"What the fuck are you..."

He cut me in mid-sentence and shouted

"GO !"

I stared at him blankly.

"What ?!"


Was he mad? He was in MY car. I was the one ordering here not the other way. He was certainly kidding. I took a good look at his face and his expression made it clear that he was serious.

"But the light's still red"

"I sid NOW!"

Anger started boiling inside me.

"What do you mean by now? This is my fucking car and I'm not going anywhere. Get out! Now!"

He opened his mouth to say something but the sound of a shot filled the air and a bullet ran right in front of my car. I froze in place.

"I told you to fucking move!"He shouted.

I didn't have to argue with him this time. He didn't have the right to curse at me or boss me around, that's a sure thing. But I valued my life. I didn't want to get killed; and something inside me told me this strange guy had something to do with all of it. So I just started the engine. Only when I passed the light that I remembered it was still red.

"Fuck!" I cursed. I've never broken the rules of the circulation before but this was something else.

Another shot was heard and I let a loud scream. I could say that this time, the bullet touched my precious car.

"Shit! My car is touched. You'll have to buy me a new one!"

"I believe this is no time to talk about your fucking car!"

I glanced at him angryly and focused again on the road. I've never drove this fast before. This was absolutly the craziest thing I've ever done.

"Oh really?" I shouted "I think you are the only responsible of this situation!"

Why couldn't I talk wihout shouting or swearing. I think it has something to do with the fear and worry I was felling right now.

"If yor fucking car wasn't parked at the first raw I wouldn't have climbed it at all" He shouted.

"Thank you very much for this important information!" I was screaming at the top of my lunges "Next time I won't park my car at the first raw and nowbody will rush to my car's passenger seat so I won't be purchased and I won't be running from street to street like a crazy madgirl and my life won't be in danger!" I'm sure I looked crazy and weird but I didn't care. This was the longest and fastest sentence I said my whole life. My thoughts were racing and I couldn't think of anything straight. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again. I talked calmly "That, if there will be a next time"

And another shot was heard. I screamed again.

"What are you running away from?"

"Wrong! What are we both running away from? We're mates now. Turn to the left!"

I did as fast as I could 

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

He glanced at the back once again and returned his attention to me

"To the right. We have to mislead them!"

I didn't have any other option.

"Shit! They're still following us"

He cursed something under his breath then said calmly

"Listen carefully! The guys who are following us are some gang mumbers" Of course they are! What else could they be ? "They saw me when I climed your car. They probably took its registration number and now they can easily know who you are. And I know from experience that they think we are mates."

"What? I... You..." I glanced at him in horror.

"Just shut the fuck up!"

He just ruined my life and he's asking me to shut up! No! Screw that He's ordering me to shut up. God! What a cruel guy!

All this was like an action film. Several shots were heard as I turned into different streets. A gang was purchasing me because they thought I was his mate. But why were they purchasing him in the first place? For the first time, this question occured my mind.

"Who are you?"

"Mathew. But you can call me Matt"

I rolled my eyes

"I wasn't asking about your fucking name!" I was gonna continue my speech but I noticed some cops a few streets away from us. I smiled. Finally! I had some luck at my side tonight.

"I'm gonna stop. We can talk to the cops and they'll certainly help us."

"have you lost your mind? Are you aware of the fact that in your car, there's a bag full of illegal money and drugs and another full of guns and arms? Are you aware that in the passenger seat, right next to you, is sitting one of the most wanted criminals of the USA?" He took a good look at my puzzleed face before continuing "No You're not. You'll be thrown in jail before you could blink."

I stayed silent for a few moments before it all started making sense. My eyes became wide as the realisation hit me.

I asked slowly"W-What?"

He smirked misheviously at me"As you heard! Now keep driving or we'll be dead. We're now gonna be purchased by the gang and the cops. I'll be happy to see you cooperate mate!

I stared at him in shock for a few seconds 

What the fuck have I gotten myself into?!

A/N : Hey guys! Here goes the first chapter of my new story. I hope you liked it. Tell me what you think in the comments and vote please if you like it. How was the beggining? Good or not good enough? I was planning to update three chapters today but I'm super tired. I'll try to update two tomorrow. Take care of yourselves and stay turned.


P.S: Forgive me for the swearing! It was just for the effect.

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