Chapter 4:

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My gaze was fixed on the road. The cops were shouting a few meters away from us and the barrier was shrinking, two police cars were at each side of it. 

I caught a glimpse of the highway.

This was it, our last chance. Either we win or we lose.

No matter how hard I tried to remember myself that Matt was a criminal and a dangerous guy, I couldn't help but think we're mates, at least now. And if he's in danger, I'm in danger too. If something bad happens to him, I'm sure as hell won't be okay. His win is mine and so is his lost. Right now, if we want to make it, if we want to survive, we should be both cooperative.

It didn't matter that he was wanted, no, it didn't bother me the least, I was going to be wanted too anyways. What mattered was that he was willing to help. If he wanted to kill me, he could've done it when he first got into the car.

If just two hours ago, someone told me I was gonna violate the traffic laws, drive with an extrem speed like a crazy-drunk- girl, be the cause of a two police car accident, disobey  cop and consider some gang mumber as my mate or friend, I would absolurtly have loghed at him till my face's bones hurt.

But here I am, doing exactly the same thing. Now, I was gonna be wanted by low till I'm arrested. My life's gonna be ruined forever. I should hide and be out of sights to my last days. My life's never gonna be the same. But right now, I didn't care. All I cared about was going past those barriers before they're entirely closed.

"Matt! We should go past these barriers before they're entirely closed!" I shouted "I think I can do it. But the cops can easily be behind us after that. We should find a way to oblige them all to stay behind and not follow us"

"Yes! I know!" He shouted back "That's exactly why I am here" He knocked on the top of the car and  my face lit up with a big smile .

"Good luck then. You're gonna need it"

He shuckled before saying

"You're gonna need it too so good luck"

I nodded but slapped myself mentally after doing it.

He can't see you from when he is idiot!

"Who do you think I should start with ? Those who are in the front or in the back? Thought I already know what I'll do. I just wanna hear your ideas"

"Oookay" I said slowly.I thought about it for a moment before saying

"I think you should get rid off the police cars before they're like four" I stopped to count them "Yes, four, and after being behind the barriers, you should get rid off the two behind us"

He thought about it too. And for a moment, just for a moment, I thought he'ld consider it too. Then he said:

"Nice thinking for a girl who never tested it before. But..." He stopped talking.

By now, we nearly arrived. I could've found relief if there weren't six cars prepared just for purchasing us. I started to freak out and sweat dropped down my forehead. I bit my lower lip to prevent myself from screaming.

What the fuck was he waiting for?

"What about you start with the first car behind you" He said as if he was talking to himself. He wasn't asking me. He was explaining to me what he was doing. But that didn't help. I thought I could pass out at any moment, especially if we fail.

No! We couldn't fail! We couldn't! I kept reminding myself.

I heard two shots and the sound of the glass breaking wich I assumed was of the driver's window. There was another shot and another that touched the whell. The car behind me, wich contained that gang mumbers, veered away and collided with two of the police cars.

"And getting red of three at the same toime" He said calmly but the satisfaction was clear in his voice.

"That was genious!" I screamed.

"I know. And now all wehave to do is repeating the same trick with the other three.'

I heard two shots again and the glass breaking and another two shots and then we were already on the highway but I still could hear the sound of the shock.

Relief washed over me.

Oh my god! We made it!

Matt reentred from the broken window and sat on the passenger seat again, his gun in his hand and an arrogant satisfied smile on his face.

"Wip this stupid grin off your face" Matt said.

Oh! I didn't realise I was smiling too.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed " WE MADE IT! WE MADE IT!"

I swear that at that moment, if I wasn't driving, I'ld have hugged him.

He just smiled at me and said

"This isn't over. Do you honestly think they'll let us in peace. Especially after killing all this cops and the gang. Now, keep driving because we should hide before they find us"

My smiled dropped slowly wich made him smirk.

God! I can't have at least a moment of satisfaction. Can I?

A/N: Hi guys! As promised, I updated today and I'll start doing weekly updates each Sunday from now on so stay turned! How far do you like this story?  If you liked this chapter please vote for it. Tell me in the comments what you honestly think.


P.S: If you know how to do beautiful covers or know someone who does. Please DM me on my insta account  douaa_al_kilani.

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