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They're now 4, let's get on with it

The 2 six year olds weren't the youngest, Luxembourg was. but, there was a big kid, smaller than Sweden obviously, he was only 5 years older, and his name was Denmark. Denmark and Teutonic got along very well. He didn't get along with Anglo sadly, right now, they're in an argument. "Gilbird can talk!" Teutonic shouted, the other kids were  watching. "No he can't! Birds CANNOT talk!" Anglo said. "YES ZEY CAN!" Teutonic shouted. Germania lets this happen. They're twins after all. "No they can't. That's final!" Anglo said. "Hah! SUCK IT LOSER!" Teutonic shouted. Anglo rolled his eyes and walked up to his room. And sat on his bed, and started to talk to himself. "I'm nothing like them, honestly." He said to no one. He looked outside and it was dark. And so he went to sleep, in his pyjamas Ofcourse.

It was now morning and Anglo wasn't in his bed when Teutonic woke up. He looked in every room, except his brothers rooms. When he checked everywhere he cried. "V-vhere ist my brozer?" He asked, to no one, little Liechtenstein walked in. "Older Brüder, are you alright?" She asked. "A-Anglo. Hic I...I can't sniff find..h-him" Teutonic said, trying not to cry as he talks. "He's...gone?" She asked. He shrugged. "I...I hic can't f-find him" Teutonic Said. Germania came to him as he heard what he said. "Vhat? You can't find Anglo?" He asked. Teutonic nodded.

He ran. As fast as he could. Until he bumped  into someone. He looked up, he saw a red-head, with something in his mouth. "hello, balach beag" he said. "U-um, Sir. W-what language are y-you speaking?" Anglo said. He was kind of scared of the man. And the fact that he had ran away, he had been crying. "Sorry, I was speakin' Scottish" The man said. "What's ya name boy?". "Anglo-Saxon, c-call me Anglo" Anglo said, "whats yours?". "Pict." The man said. Anglo nodded. "What's a lad like yerself doin' alone out here?" Pict asked. "I ran away from home" Anglo said. "Why lad?" Pict asked. "I didn't think I belonged in the family" Anglo Replied. "Want to join me little family?" Pict asked. "Sure, why the bloody hell not?" Anglo said. And they went to Pict's home.

Pict is what they used to call Scotland lol. Well, cya tomorrow

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